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About Ardtop

  1. Thanks mate hope so!
  2. Hi mate dorry for being so thick lol! You would ahve to take your car to a main Subaru dealer and tehy would check all UK models are on there database, if it is not then its a grey import and they have to call the IM group and check the global database to ascertain what the cars origins are. Hope this helps. This is now in the hands of the solicitors as we had not a clue it was an import and consequently have been driving round uninsured :-(
  3. Hi thanks for replying, I dont have any pictures sorry its a hatch in Blue! It doesnt mention anything on the logbook about being imported, and yes I am very worried that the insurance may well have not been valid it really has upset me :-(
  4. What do you mean?
  5. Hi there we own a 59 plate impreza sti which was purchased from a dealership in Chester called Graham Walker with 16k on the clock eleven months ago. We are new to Subaru having had R32's before but saw this car and decided to buy it. Quite happy with our purchase we enjoyed driving the car, although we were promised the full service history but it never turned up depsite numerous vists and calls to the dealership. We then ahd some whhel corrosion so called into the Shrewsbury dealership to see if it would be covered under the warranty as we were advised it had 12 months manufacturs warranty on it until Sept 12, the dealership in Shrewsbury confirmed that the corosion was a warranty issue how ever when they typed our vin no into there databse they found that the car was in fact an imported model, and that it came via Cyprus and was in fact a 2008. I was quite shoced and was referred back to Graham Walaker. I contacted teh salesman who sold us the car called Neil, who was quite put out that we found out teh car was imported but went on to say that they would honour the balance of the manufactures warranty and did indeed refurbish our wheels, so I though oh this is going to be fine.......................... Until 4 weeks ago I was driving back from football training when calling at Sainsburys to refule I became aware of some engine noise, so I drove home in I quietly only to get 10 miles when all the lights came on the dashboard so I pulled over and called the RAC. When they attended they advised me that the oil pressure had dropped and put a litre of oil into the vehicle, and then recommended they recovered me home. I contacted Graham Waler the next day as the car had the warranty only to be greeted with we ave no means of recovering your vehicle and was infomred that I ahd to get it there myself, so I called the RAC and paid the £201 to send my vehicle to Chester. They confirmed receipt of teh vehicle and said they would look at it on the Monday, do I called later on that day to be told that we ahd been running it on 95 ron fuel and not 98 and that it had to much oil in it, but prior to that it had not enough oil in it which has resulted in severe engine damage causing damage to teh crnak shaft 2 pistons and the clutch. I was really shocled by this as it is not our main car we have only done 4000 miles in 11 months and yes we have checked the oil only every couple of months but how can this be right. Can anybody give us some advice or have you ahd a similar experience with Graham Walker or with a Subaru? Thanks Ardtop
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