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About Somersetscooby

  1. Sorry for the let down guys but I can't make it I have to work
  2. I won't b able to bring the Scooby but is my golf turbo welcome...?
  3. Sorry I didn't make it having a few issues as been laid off work, hope the day was good.
  4. Ill be at the other halls so will be closer to cartgate than ilminster if your ok to swing in there..?
  5. Ye sure if the scoobys off the road I'll see if I can get the Evo for the day, the cars still drivable but don't want to go to far or to hard in it, think the misses wants to still do the Haynes meet as she missed out on trax so wants to see other scoobs
  6. Might have to miss this aswell as scoobys going in the garage on the 1st October having a few issues atm
  7. Hope the weather improves for Sunday don't fancy bringing my wellys
  8. So a week till trax an still no car 9 weeks to fit a new kit and respray the car as I'm fussy lol hmmm hope its back in time..
  9. I'll be up for this as only up the road from me.
  10. Ye the othe half said she wouldn't let the little 1 in the Evo as its a rough ride
  11. The burble is nice I must admit lol think I'll keep the Scooby for a wile tis a bit more family compatable aswell.
  12. Evening guys, well I'm in a bit of a pickle, my dad has the Evo 4 in white black wheels, set at 350bhp 0-60 in something stupid like 3.48 seconds how ever it's an import so tops out at like 130 ish, he's offers to do a straight swap with my Scooby took the misses out in it yestaday an she loved it but hmm not sure lol
  13. Thanks, so are the last 5 reserve or is 20 the max then 21+ is reserve..?
  14. Just me waiting now then lol new spoiler arrived today so that put a smile on my face, wants to hurry up tho still got a fair bit to do befor trax, bet u feel like a kid again terry lol
  15. Think somebody's loosing there mind talking to them selves lol hurry up and bring the patient back dr Scooby lol
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