A son, a brother, a father, a friend, a legend, an inspiration and a loss to many.
RIP Colin and Johnny
I only had the fortune to meet him once but he was a true gent.
And to the families of Ben and Graeme my thoughts are with you too.
Cracking pics and a lucky escape by the sounds of it!
Is that Phil Dryborough(sp?) in the 340R? Has he taken up racing? His is the only Ferrari red one i know of round these parts.
Just as well Phil [] The lads were getting their kilts on and faces painted and were about to pop over to the Essex forum [<)]
BTW is your signature below the regulation size?? Seems a bit big to me, I hope you're not trying to spam our forums with this rubbish.....
Glad you are ok John. Shame about the shell but i'm sure the next one will get some serious weight loss before you put it all back together, and come back even better.
Good old google mail ads gave me this link when i got the update to this thread through.
One for when you pass your test mate!