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Martin S

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About Martin S

  1. Do most places bake the paint to help cure it now? Or do some still leave it naturally? Reason I'm asking is I've been thinking about buying a da polisher and giving the car a proper detail but I'm reading some reports that you have to leave the paint to cure for 30 days and up to 90 if its left to cure naturally?
  2. hi do you have contact details for this guy? i used to stay up turriff so wouldnt be much of an issue
  3. I actually saw an ad for them last night, thats what got me thinking i need to get this done. Has been like this for a couple months since being parked in the city centre over night
  4. Hi folks, Looking for a body shop in/around Aberdeen. I have a scratch and small dent needing sprayed/repaired. I have done a search on here and found kinghorn are supposedly good but expensive. On another forum I read north east auto body have a good reputation (located on Ashley road) and I have heard 1 or 2 good things about dents n scratches in Dyce. Does anyone have experience of either of these? I’d be looking to get it done asap but not for an arm and a leg! Martin
  5. Well after being a bit concerned about this for the last 2 days I went outside tonight and the light is off!.. Pretty relieved about it but as always I'm a bit wiser now from all the good advice and info on here! Hopefully it will stay off too.. Cheers again folks
  6. Thanks don. I take it this is something which is relatively common then? I'll get the code read. Had seen those readers already but was unsure as they seemed really cheap
  7. will do. i've been doing some reasearching and think maybe the front lambda could be dirty.?
  8. I'm lead to believe that you cant reset the light by disconnecting the battery on a new age?. I know this isnt the solution but if it came on again i would deffo know something was up. Just a bit odd as the car is running 100%
  9. heres hoping i can get some sort of idea.. times are tough !
  10. i work in dyce and stay in bridge of don
  11. hi its a newage. 2005 sti
  12. Hi guys Been away from here for a while but have found my way back looking for some experienced help. At the weekend i had a short spell of pushing my car pretty hard and its thrown up the engine management light. The car seems to be running with no problems as normal but the light has stayed on. Any ideas what could have caused this? Im aware that i'll probably have to have it diagnosed. Thanks in advance, Martin
  13. That's the one where I can see the damage, thanks for all the pics
  14. Thanks. I've red a few and apparently if you do damage the centre diff the setting display light flashes on the dash. Quick update, I looked under the car after work and no signs of oil leaking. I presume the sensor is right above the drain plug? But there is another cable coming from the same place as the sensor but it is attached to the top of the diff. What is this? As the wires at the end of that are almost worn through
  15. So out of curiosity what's the signs of that sort of damage?. Am I right in saying the rear diff can be quite noisy though when gear changing, lifting on and off at low speeds... ?
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