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neil wrx

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Everything posted by neil wrx

  1. I'll meet u boys at the grill just got home from a late one i might be there.
  2. sounds good to me chaps. shall be looking forward to a nice big hearty breakfast. the black pudding comes highly recommended by bungy
  3. i'll be there as well. any details of what time we're meeting up.
  4. Have been doing a little bit of research and have found that the BTCC calendar for 2013 is out. After the SW meet yesterday at Weymouth there is still interest of some us going to watch the British Touring Cars at Thruxton in 2013. It appears that they will be racing there on 5th May 2013, which i'm glad about as i will be back from my hols. This is a post really to gauge interest and who would be up for a drive out and watching some racing and serious rubbing. More the merrier and sidc members and non members from all counties are welcome. For those who have watched the BTCC on itv4 will know its just not Touring cars but Porsche racing, Clio cups and other one seater racing. Tickets look to be priced at around £35 for just the Sunday race day. Any thoughts!!
  5. Jimmer you might you want to tell bungy tonight at 8 bbc 2 or itv racing legends all about colin mcrae, worth a watch me thinks
  6. Fab day out as always gents, it was nice to get out and about over the xmas hols. Good drives, good food and good company. Day sorted.
  7. I guess you won't be watching Racing Legends tonight featuring Colin Mcrae
  8. Happy Birthday Terry, hope you've had a great day, with a an even better evening ahead!!!
  9. Welcome to the club mate. As Trevor has said we are all meeting up tomorrow to go to Weymouth. There is a thread in the South West Forum about it. Depending where your from in the south west some of us will be meeting at Exeter Services at 10.
  10. Thanks for the heads up jimmer. I'll be there. You forgot to mention only so much call of duty as well mate.
  11. That is fine by me mate. I'm thinking of getting a winter check done myself. I got a invite from Merv at Ashburtons to have one done for free.
  12. Cheers bud, unfortunately the car won't be very clean, looks like i've been rallying in it!!!
  13. Hi Terry been a bit distant from the scooby scene the last couple of months, is it okay to add a late comer to the list, i have managed to wangle some time off week and will see you guys up there. Bertious do you want to meet at Tesco's Lee Mill. if so what time??
  14. I was looking considerably anxious at the time, but the end result was a surprising one. I certainly went home a happy chappy. Was impressed what the scoob was pumping out in bhp and torque levels. Onto the next phase and brake the 300 barrier.
  15. Looking forward to it Terry, should be a cracking day. I see on a recent post from yourself that you have decatted your downpipe. Are you fully decatted or do you still have cats in your centre section and even in your up pipe (mine being a 03 wrx it has one in the up pipe before the turbo) not sure on later wrx models. I'm looking at decatting my system but want to remain MOT friendly, my centre cat has already been removed due to PPP installation but am seriously considering getting a new s/s uel header with built up pipe, but wondered if i was to get a sports cat in the downpipe could i get the scoobs through MOT. Seen some mixed comments.
  16. Gutted mate plenty of vids and pics on order, the burger van is really going to suffer LOL. Hope to see you mate at the prodrive event next week.
  17. terry i'll still be meeting you at exeter
  18. ok bud see you in a bit
  19. morning ladies everyone up for it
  20. Wet weather gear at the ready for tomorrow ladies, wellies check, brolly check. Can i be bothered to wax the car this afternoon hmmmmmm!!!
  21. most defo. can't wait to take the scoobs out for a blast
  22. Good on ya mate glad to hear it's all working out for you. You know a quote like that is going to get a response from these guys LOL. Extra coinage is always good when it comes to fettling with the scoob!!! The possibilities are endless.
  23. exeter services for me. and follow terry to maccy d's for a big mac
  24. Hi Chris, good to see your still around mate it has been a while. How's life treating you on civvy street. All's well i hope. How's Rob getting on as well did he get any luck in selling his scoob??
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