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Everything posted by chrishornsey29

  1. Well at least he's done a good job haha
  2. I hope you paid the poor Classic owner to clean your car..? I read in Total Impreza, that Classic owners only have classics because basically their too poor to drive new age.......
  3. That would be awesome, although I havent got the money till payday on the 30th.. But I am good for it
  4. How on earth do you black out headlamps..? as i really want to do that with mine..?
  5. By the looks of it, Brakes are the in thing to be changing these days haha
  6. About the pink situation, just put Pink STI badges on your car then you can have Pink Calipers..! Hhaha Winner..!
  7. Ha oh dear, for some reason i think you'v painted them yellow or maybe pink...??
  8. Yeah sure not a problem, I think milk bottle lids would be better than my brakes haha.. But think once those K-sport babys are on, no-one will be thinking 'well theyr not red' haha just a line of blokes perving at your brakes...
  9. Just think... if your the lucky one i go into the back off you can have a FULL respray in grey/silver and you can nickname yourself 'The Silver Surfer' how cool is that..? What Calipers are you fitting..?
  10. Bloody hell iv been slacking, note to self pay more attention to the forums haha... Right firstly - Tel I will buy your calipers, £200 happy days oh and thanks lads for pressuring me into it (joke) is it 294mm discs that fit the calipers..? We shall do our deal on the next meet, looking forward to having brakes fitted to my classic thats actually going to slow me down, but till then, if i was to go into the back of someone else (please be a blue one) then dont worry i do have insurance haha
  11. Sounds awesome to me..! Im up for the idea..! Especially if the locations do get all scattered
  12. Well as long as no one wants me to lead I'm happy following haha
  13. Mines on the top left of my windscreen, when people tend to look at cars they always start at the front... Just my thought... Terry I shall let you know soon on the Calipers
  14. How much would you be selling your Calipers, if you decide to upgrade..? Iv seen the K-sport set up and their such a bargain and bloody good brakes too
  15. Thanks Jimmer I shall give them a call, its been a while since i last went there
  16. Yes iv been there before, but i cant remember where or what the name was.... Im looking at spending about £350 if thats realistic..?
  17. Is there a decent site for Subaru breakers in the South West..? I want to get my hands on some new shape STI calipers and discs...
  18. Im offended by that comment..! OFF TOPIC..! Let that be a lesson to you Bungy haha..!
  19. 1. SpecT 2. Jimmer 3. Bungster 4. beefoss 5. j wrx tonkins 6. Chrishornsey29 Yeah count me in on this..! My brakes too arnt amazing, but as they say 'Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse' haha
  20. Erm.. going to Yelverton today inspired me to want a Hawkeye... woo on topic haha
  21. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3672999.htm or http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3707222.htm
  22. Haha dont worry, I shall de-restrict my Subaru soon, well thats if I can stop looking at a Hawkeye iv seen for sale....Dammit..!
  23. Hmmm I think I can settle with 2nd place haha
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