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Everything posted by chrishornsey29

  1. I think I'm going to moan about the new SIDC look.... Well.... Its not very eye catching, also the Subaru's at the top right of the page should be ( Oh dear I'm going to say this ) in Blue..... Seeing as the Blue is a part of Subaru's heritage..? I think I'll stick to the old sticker in my car as thats got something about it, also why change something thats not broken? I agree a rebrand sometimes helps a company gets its message out there by people thinking 'oh I'v not seen this design' I think I'm going to design an SIDC sticker and put it my car. Also the top of the page looks boring...... Sorry
  2. Yeah that's right I'm selling the ole girl, I want a P1 or a black Type-R, I don't want to do part ex as I'll get pea nuts
  3. Moving definitely isn't an option, I have a lot of mates in Plymouth, and I'm fed up of bouncing around different places and making new friends again. Plus I move into my awesome house on the 28th has a nice drive and garage for the Scoob
  4. Thanks Criddy, I have thought about that depot, but I'd end up spending far too much on travelling, plus I'd need a secondary car
  5. Haha I shan't deny you your freedom of speech.. I know mate the last couple of meets have always been when I'm away, i'll hopefully be on the next meet! I haven't got a job just yet Maritime Security isn't working out, but I should be getting some hgv agency work at the end of the month fingers crossed
  6. Jimmer.. Now now, your going to start arguements with such a comment haha
  7. Keith mate I feel your pain, CO's drivers get used and abused, Rob Harvey is CO's driver for 29 and at one point he had to do the CO's ironing, polishing his boots and help him move house, oh and cart his wife around shopping haha... Tel don't worry, you haven't missed out and anyways sod being duty drives in your days
  8. Haha I wish, I'm driving a ford smax got to pick up some officers that are obviously too posh to drive
  9. I'm on a driving detail to heathrow on the 15th
  10. Does anybody know of anyone who wants to buy a classic for around 3k??
  11. I cant make it Terry as I'v had to go home due to family problems
  12. Oh yeah! cars nice and clean and looking sexy with a P1 lip..!
  13. Iv got full afterburner system and thats pretty awesome
  14. Not as yet, I'll take a pic of the whole car in the morning
  15. Haha yeah I know, its a bit on the wee side, but Police havent been bothered by it so its all good. I love the colour of the car too, but yeah the rest of the trim is unpainted, and I kind of like the 2 tone look
  16. Gents advice To paint? or not to paint? Im thinking keeping the splitter black as my sideskirts are black and so are the rear spats?
  17. Haha Thanks, but on a more exciting note i fitted my de-cat centre section exhaust today and im fitting my P1 splitter tomorrow
  18. Gutted..! went out for a few shandys and didnt get up till 1pm
  19. I'm back tomorrow night so I should be able to turn up especially as above me there's another BLUE one haha..!
  20. Been on there and none for a classic
  21. Gents I need some help.. I need to get my hands on a HKS SSQV Flange kit for my 99 WRX..? Does anyone have any idea as I'm stumped and have a Hks bov in a box on my shelf and its not much good there..! haha
  22. Yeah I saw what you done there, my wheels are black.. So neh
  23. Spray your wheels blue then! Haha
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