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About markmac2008

  1. There's a meet in a pub up there near an industrial estate on another website I can't remember the name of the pub and there's one just started up at the Rodney in little baddow near Chelmsford on a Saturday afternoon there was 24 Scoobies there last time and could be more this most of them are the Essex scooby crew but there not a bad bunch and the pubs nice
  2. Epping is a good spot to see a scoob there's a few of us in Chelmsford you've always got the ESC crowd who do a tunnel run every now and again into canery wharf you'll see me every so often skipping round the 25 to Windsor and harlington I haven't taken it as far as the congestion charge zone, I've got better stuff to spend my money on like new suspension and getting the car mapped so if you see me I'll probably give you a wave in the blue one with the piston heads sticker
  3. hi I'll be up for that if i can get back from the ring the weekend before in one piece,I've got to get up from essex so let us know. Cambridge is a little closer than norwich or can just meet at high lodge if you give us a post code that would be easy cheers mark
  4. Do you mind a gatecrasher from Chelmsford in a scooby coming as I'm new to all this
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