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About jj1966

  1. Cheers for the help guy's, Problem confirmed as, near side caliper completly seized, off side been doing all the work and worn the pads right down. Going for the replacement caliper and new pads route. Cheers John
  2. Thanks Ross, I will get the wheels off and confirm calipers is my problem, then decide which way to go. Cheers John
  3. Thanks Guy's Will get the wheels off and have a look at it properly and take it from there. Cheers John
  4. Thanks
  5. Thanks Baz, so no need to replace the caliper any suggestions where to get the kits. Cheers John
  6. Any ideas, My 05 wrx is the wifes daily driver, couple of days ago she mentions it has developed a squeeling kind of noise and she had to drop a gear as it seemed as it was holding back a bit. I went for a run tonight, sounds like the noise is coming from the front, wont go away when you press the brake and she is right in 4th / 5th it's holding back. At slow speed knock it out of gear and free wheel and it might be me but felt as though it isn't rolling as loose as it should be, got home after a 5/10 minute run and the drivers caliper is warm to touch but the passenger side was much hotter in fact quite a bit hotter. I am no mechanic but think that we a have siezed brake caliper. Any ideas and if it is a caliper where can I get a replacement. Cheers John
  7. Thanks for your reply anyway kenny. Cheers John
  8. Hi Guy's, Some contractor's have been digging up the roads in my area, replacing pipes and last Friday night the wind blew one of those metal, triangular signs into the scoobie and we also presume then lay flat on the road due to the sign having no sandbag to weigh it down,anyway the wife goes out in the car, doesn't know the sign is lying flat on the ground and runs over it. Didn't think much of it at the time until we observed in the daylight that the sign must have flipped up and has slightly damaged the cill, wing and door. Spoke to the contractor on Monday and thankfully they say they will fix it and can we take it for an estimate, took it to a coachworks that we have used in the past for other cars as this place has a good reputation. Now the shocker, quote is £790, didn't think it would be that much, told the contractor and he say's that they use a company out Coatbridge way called T.O.M. and they will get a quote from them, I googled T.O.M. and it looks as though the body repair side of the business is called JWR coachworks. Now I have no problem with the contractor either finding a cheaper quote or using someone they possibly deal with a lot, however I just want it done right. Anyone heard of or used T.O.M. / JWR, Coatbridge / Airdrie ? Any comments would be appreciated. Cheers John
  9. Hi, Can't see any that say "scottish scoobies" for sale in the shop just the sidc ones. I will try the people that Stevie suggested. Cheers John
  10. Thanks Stevie, I will give them a shout. Cheers John
  11. Hi guy's, I fancy some stickers for both rear side windows and possible the back window, saying www.scotish scoobies.co.uk, sure I have seen them before but don't know where to buy them from. Any help would bw appreciated. Cheers John
  12. Kim, Many thanks for your help, that's me signed up now. Cheers John
  13. Hi, Glad to see you are a full member now, any tips on how you managed it ? John
  14. I attempted to sign up as a full member today, completed the form exactly as the red text stated with no luck, because I have joined the forum the system thinks that someone else has my user name and then directs you to the second page, filled this info in, still no luck. I have logged some ticket thing ? hopefully admin will sort out the glitch. John
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