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About tony2154

  1. I presume that put more baffles in??
  2. The exhaust was sent back to Cobra, via Alan Jeffrey. I’ve since got it back and fitted. It is noticeably quieter. Thanks to Alan for all your assistance. Apparently its one cop who seems to be on a major mission!!
  3. Afternoon people, just to make you all aware, I was stopped by a policeman in Plymouth this morning, for having a noisy exhaust. I was on my way back from the school run! It’s a brand new Cobra Cat-Back resonated exhaust that was fitted a few weeks ago. Cheeky sod pulled onto my drive and proceeded to get his Db reader out and asked me to rev to 4000rpm and took a reading, and then showed me, it read 120Db, I’ve now discovered the limit set by the constabulary is 90 Db. I was a bit shocked really, my old TVR used to be louder!! Anyway spoke to Alan Jeffery's who promptly spoke to Cobra. Hopefully all will be sorted soon.
  4. What sort of time does this process need and what cost should I expect for a wagon?? Thanks regards Tony D
  5. Thanks mate
  6. Thats more like it and practically on my door step,dont suppose you have a name and contact number??
  7. Cheers mate, may have to take a jaunt up there, at some point
  8. Having owned my Blob wagon for just over a month now, I was wondering if anybody could recommend somebody that could do a professional refurbishment job on my Grey Prodrive/Oz PWRC1 alloys?? And also I could do with really getting the underside Waxolyed. Having rung round Plymouth and looked on the net, it seemed to chuck up a nil return for the South west!! All the Waxoly companies seem to be miles away. Any steers would be appreciated, Cheers Regards TonyD
  9. Cheers lads
  10. I’ve noticed the difference on V- Power
  11. Hello, thought I would introduce myself as a new member and new owner of a 03 WRX Wagon. I have a few thoughts about where I want to go with the mods, but I do look forward to sharing ideas and advice with you all. Thanks Regards Tony
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