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Everything posted by mshowells

  1. Hi, yes we are all on scoobynet.com now. Search the Wales region and there are plenty of us. Don't check SIDC much anymore. South Wales Scoobys or SWS as its more commonly referred to. Hope this helps and there is a run on the 9th of Oct.
  2. just booked the tour and a B&B, cant wait
  3. Hi all, 07 hawkeye manual states that the wrx can run on 95 octane and its only the STi which has to have high octane, is this a wise move as i have put 99 octane in her since purchase 4 weeks ago now, just thinking is it ok to use the normal unleaded or will it damage my new toy, i dont thrash the car {much} so its not driven hard ALL the time. Many thanks for any help if possible
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