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craig d

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Everything posted by craig d

  1. where is it about?
  2. I think its alex at Bruces taxi that keeps them in business
  3. Try Steve @ SW motorpsort he will sort you out. 07956119962
  4. ABSOLUTE bag of spanners
  5. Unsure of what your doing? steve was getting round to telling me then we got distracted
  6. An other quality tank slapper from craigy d lol and i just caught it too 500/500 is what am after, iv got an eye out on a certain car thats sitting in SW Motorsport just now
  7. Well since i havent updated this for a while hear go's Car is finished for the time being [im
  8. +10 for Stevie. would do anything for you. not manylike them these days if at all. RA Dunk steve is away on friday just incase u try calling after friday pal. My car is currently in there at the mo waiting on my cage getting painted
  9. Car is all preped up hopfully it will be getting primed and painted by friday then it shall be delivered up to my unit then il start the build up. Should be fun :roll:
  10. well i recieved a couple of parcel's today and things are comes along nicely. The cage is now complete and its a cracking job Thanks barry highly recommended. Everything has been sent to custom cages to get FIA approved and get the certificate. Also waiting on the inside of the car getting painted which should hopfully be this week then iv got the task of trying to remember where everything gets connected and then fit and adjust the suspension to suit. Dash was done by suffolk flocking services.
  11. yeah i wasnt to impressed but it had to be done but the good thing is u would NEVER no it had been done which is good
  12. more pics from barry (mk1cos) of my cage
  13. Todays progress Dash mocked up ready for flocking
  14. Thefirst hoop in which was a pain in the ass as we had to take 55mm off each side. Rear top mount plates Windscreen bar barrys ugly puss barry managed to get the dash bar in, so more updates tomorrow.
  15. CONGRATULATIONS!! Fitting my cage is the least of your problems now Just give me a bell once you get the time pal.
  16. Andy, Wish i could have said then same about some of your cars lol. WRX RA being the lightest thought i would be the best start in life ha. Tommo, some twat tryied to steal the car out side the house so it needed new locks all round including lock barrel. its now sitting in the workshop all tucked up both car and workshop are fully alarmed including a text message to my phone if the alarm if activated. am looking forwards to the progress myself ha
  17. Yeah its Tommo's old impreza and if i remember right he was at the fling last year. Lets hope il make it this year. Am going to be leaving the engine fairly just now and get the rest of the car sorted out first. Just ordered my T45 cage today (6-10 days) which will be getting fitted at SW Motorsport by barry (well not that iv asked him yet but am sure if i show him notes he will lol) need to get the dash mocked up with the various hole then get it sent of to get flocked. need to get suspention brakes seats and harnesses fuel set up baffled sump etc etc
  18. Well here we go for an other thread as am sure there are many many other projects going on but i thought id add mine up to. Some of you may or may not rememeber me from my antic's at knockhill in my blue 555 a few years ago. Bought a 1995 WRX RA a few months ago and with the intensions of just keeping it the way it was but like most of my other impreza's iv decided to do it right this time rather than the faffing about i usually do. I got it weighed @ SW Motorsport on sunday and the starting weight is 1248kg and that with a full tank of fuel. The car has no central locking,keep fit windows and for some unknown reason a steel bonnet which it should have a alu bonnet as its an RA. so as it stands its a pritty basic impreza hence the reason i bought it as there was no point in buying a top spec impreza to just rip it all out. It's going to be road legal but with the intensions of seeing more track than road. The car as it stands just now is: equal lenth headers. straight through de-cat wolfrace exhaust. Black 16" speedline ST 2 green cottom filter and thats pritty much it. started stripping it sunday night including all the AC,interior etc. well here are some pics of how it stands also found these little surprises too g
  19. Morning to one and all, I am replacing my ignation locking barrel on a 1995 wrx ra but i found that the bolts that hold the locking barrel in place are round shaped heads! How the hell do u remove them??? easy way would be to drill them out but am going to have the same problem when i replace the barrel with the new one!! Can anyone advise if there is a tool i need to get? Thanks
  20. Alright BIGBAW or so iv been hearing eh! congrats is there no tv in polmount these days eh!! Nah iv bought tommo's old white WRX RA. id have bought the blue RA 555 if it was for sale! What u got these days??
  21. Thanks guys! Iv checked all the fluids and they are all ok. if i rememeber right the classic (1995 RA) doesnt have any brake sensor's (could be wrong) to tell u that the pads are low, so the only thing it could be is a faulty handbrake sensor!
  22. Evening all< managed to scrap myself into a new RA andd now the fooker is showing a fault code. The handbrake light stays on once its down!! can for the life remember if that a break fault or an oil problem? Anyone just refresh my memory please Thanks
  23. I can hear the burrble of a boxer engine from miles away!! makes me jelous sometimes tho lol
  24. Iv got the same problem, i stay at the crossroads in Kirknewton and at night there must be about 5 scooby that belt it throught the lights every night! Saturday night was the same i think there must of been a meet somewhere cos there was about 10 cars that passed! So to solve this problem am going to see a scooby this week lol
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