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Posts posted by coolj

  1. Well i checked on the link i gave you and it lists the same filter for sports & turbos, the green filter is a better filter that you don't have to replace but you clean and re oil it, but why do you want it to make a noise?, noise doesn't mean more power

    i no mate but i like it with more noise but if it has more power then it will still do wot do u want for it mate do u no if a hks induction kit will fit my car its came from a turbo

  2. Hi the problem with your heater is prob down to the lack of coolant in the system caused by the leaking water pump. add the rad weld, top up the coolant, turn the heater temp switch to full (hot) run the engine with the pressure filler cap off, keep the coolant topped up whist running the engine untill the cooling fan cuts in and out again. switch off engine, top up coolant refit the pressure cap. (Radweld will only stop the leak for a short period of time) Hope this helps. Dean (www.Larkins-AutoServices.co.uk)

    thanks mate im going 2 give it a go 2morrow another thing i want 2 no when u put an induction kit on it wot do u take off do u take the big air box off the main black 1 or do u only take the air box off 2 make it sound louder

  3. Firstly what year car is it? If we can help you out and help you keep it, we will :huh:


    hi mate its an Preg sport wagon 2lt non turbo i really want 2 keep it and start doing mods 2 it like an induction kit which i got 2 see if i can fix it then look 4 one on here

  4. hello every one i just found out that the water pump leaks so i got sum radweld 2 fix it because its alot of work 2 do it and i dnot no how 2 do it but iv got a heater problem it is not getting that hot inside the car this woz b4 i used the radweld stuff so no im thinking of getting rid of it because iv not got a clue about the car and its going 2 cost me alot of money 2 sort them both can any one help me out plz so i can keep it

  5. hello ever one iv just got myself an impreza sport wagon 20lt non turbo with sum mods but i dont no were 2 start i woz going 2 do the induction kit but dnt no any think about the car so want 2 find sum 1 that nos wot they r doing with the car

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