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Everything posted by stieire01

  1. cruising home doing the tonne at 1am on the M4 and engine seizes!!! narrowly miss becoming a car wreck.. flatbed home after an hour wait... not a good day! 2005 wrx sti ... possible bottom end engine rebuild... any advice... pleeease?!?! i am without car and stuck on my bike for commute to work etc... but the weather is a-changing rapidly.. and i need to sort out my scooby.. any thoughts anyone?
  2. Hi Scooby Owners.... I backed into a plonker in a merc estate yesterday (guess im the plonker ) Anyone know any good (cheap) bodyshop guys for 55plate sti appreciate any advice.. thanks
  3. Hi... just joined the sidc!! would like to come to the meet!! where will it be? B&Q in Whitley? A33??
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