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Everything posted by davidflaherty

  1. I've got sum work I'd like doing on my scooby, I've had a quote but wud like to get as many as possible to compare, quality of work is a must and past experience from members is essential
  2. When is the next meet?
  3. A full system I am after, any suggestions?
  4. I am looking 4 sum advice I am after a nu exhaust 4 my scooby 2000, I know there r various makes out there but don't know wot to go 4 wether it b an after market version or a newer model scooby exhaust? Any advice wud b welcomed?
  5. thaThanks a lot 4 the advice
  6. I am from kenfig hill
  7. My scooby is due a service having phoned subura I've been quoted 860 quid 4 a major sevice which include change the cam belt. Can anyone recommed a good and reliable garage that can service my scooby?
  8. Do AP do individual sets or to the just to the kts? Cud u recommend options for just discs and pads?
  9. I am looking for new headlights 4 my scooby 2000 w plate, I am looking for a set of clear headlight with the new style light bulbs?
  10. It own a scooby 2000 and wish to have sum advice on which break setup is best for mt model, I have a scooby 2000 on a w plate. Any advice is welcome
  11. It own a scooby 2000 and wish to have sum advice on which break setup is best for mt model, I have a scooby 2000 on a w plate. Any advice is welcome
  12. Thanks for all ur advice and help u have been most helpful
  13. Yeah I am running a classic impreza on a w plate, I've got a standard factory fit breaks and pads but they don't feel up to the task. Any suggestions on what mud be the best option would b taken on board thanks
  14. Do we have any discount with any companies for parts etc?
  15. I have a impreza 2000 and I am look for sum advice on which brakes and pads to upgrade to?
  16. Thanks for your advice, would u recommend either replacing the filter element or replacing the unit for a filter? Could I also ask which breaks and pads u would suggest ?
  17. I have a impreza 2000 I am looking to get a nu exhaust system and filter and I am lOoking to get the best product available, could I get sum advice on where to start? And where to get them from?
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