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rich 300

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About rich 300

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  1. Let the weekend commence
  2. Evening all, Two days and no new post posts - where are the locals ?
  3. Evening all, more rain i see. How is everyone ?
  4. Hello all, back in the land of the living this month
  5. Oh Bungy, Now look what yove done. Mind you, cant comment because i am not a full member, will get round to it one day though, i promise
  6. Hello all, Was watching an old Top Gear on Dave yesterday, Clarkson was driving the Prodrive P2 (have sat in the P2 by the way - nice.) and thought BRZ, anyone else agree ?
  7. Any time after 1 pm sat - sleep time. Should be around all day sunday. Whenever to suit you mate really, no need to panic. £12 for a forge dv, thats a good buy.
  8. They look good mate, just need some wrx springs to go with 'em.
  9. Hello all, back on nights - having my lunch now
  10. Shall be working nights next week.
  11. Anyone got the pics that were taken from the bridge over the A30 ?
  12. Saturday for me please, would be good to get a good relationship with a dealer or supplier that actually gives a toss - too many around that dont seem to.
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