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Everything posted by bobsta

  1. Iwas thinking bout the one on the 5th sep
  2. Iam hurt
  3. Hi guy's gutted i could not make it to the meet last night.Iwanted to ask bout jap show in september any one going.
  4. Dr.pepper whats the worst that could happen mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. Hi guys sounds cool ill be up for that. weekend or in the week both ok with me
  6. very funny but very true.I love paying so much tax
  7. Hi guy's this was my first tunnel run awesome that's why i got a scooby.Def be up for another see you all at the next meet.
  8. Hi guys i was gona ask for the post code.thanks
  9. Hi there.Sounds good have you got a time to set off yet.I know nothing
  10. Hi m8 .cool thanks ill be up for that what tunnel do you screem throo
  11. thanks m8 ill try make it may have to do family thing boo lol
  12. Ive been to the knotcuts meet gona try get to the dartford meet, this friday i think
  13. Thanks m8
  14. Thanks m8
  15. Hi there m8 finaly got a scoob thats the best thing to come out of my divorce.hope see you on a meet
  16. Thanks m8 ill try get to as many as i can iam gona try go to the dartford one friday
  17. Ill be so up for this looks cool
  18. Is this ric who i grew up with in lambes court.If so its rob ive joined the ranks driving a scooby now m8
  19. Hi guys good to meet most of you last night.shame it rained but i didnt wash the car so got away with it lol.looking forward to meeting up again hopefully meet more people too thanks for the warm welcom guys.bobsta
  20. cool what time and place were you thinking
  21. Cool thanks ill be there
  22. thanks m8
  23. thanks m8 no i live in rochester.what time do you guys get there
  24. Hi guys would it be cool to turn up on the 17th for your meet at knotcuts
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