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scubas scooby

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Posts posted by scubas scooby

  1. Hi all it has been a few years since a was last on the site so will have to get a newbie thread back up haha. A know a few folk on here from being on .net and few of my mates are on here. When a first got my classic a few years back (now upgraded to a blob) a got told by my mate to join here so I did. Put a newbie thread up as a was new to the whole scooby thing and car club thing and got a a very little response. So thought nothing of it and posted a few threads up of help and advice and got no answersband eventually a lost intrest what was a shame.

    So a year or two on found a guy racing an evo and yes he wooped him a met him and he told me about ss.net and a joined and when a signed up had 4/5 pages of welcomes and plenty of advice and help when posting for advice and help. I have done alot to my car through the help and advice from them. My friend on here lost intrest as he said no one talked much to him when he put up threads and been to a few meets but no one talking. Tryed to speak to a few but no convo. I hàve started to come back on and look about again and hopefully its all changed. Just my 2ps worth.

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