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woody wrx

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About woody wrx

  1. im after a set of brake discs for my 94 impreza, looking aroun i see alot of places saying for cars fitted with 2 pot brakes? mine has 4 pots so would the discs be different?
  2. GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS it turns ou that the intercooler pipe in the front wing gad popped off and tats why i wasnt getting any boost...... bad news is it that taking off the exhaust and turbo its snapped a turbo bolt.... but eitherwy i should have it up and runnng in less than a week!!!!!!
  3. na its completly de catted... simon recons its the penny in the wategate thats failed.. or completly come off.. he said its fairly common.... it just shoots out the exhaust...
  4. turbos comming off next week so will know more then... ill let you know how i get on
  5. hi mate... ideally need a tdo5 side entry really... thanks anyway.... good news thou i think its just the wastegate staying open as the car runs fine its just not boosting...
  6. took my car to simon (JGM) today to get it remapped and i have 1 very big issue........... the turbo is not producing any boost.... well 0.1bar..... i think i need a new turbo anyone got one spare??? lol simon said its either the turbo or the wastegate either way its not good..... y cant anything ever be simple
  7. ha ha... success... simon called this morning and the car is booked in for wednesday 19th..... woop woop..... cant wait... ill finally be able to drive my scooby thanks for all the advise people woody
  8. tried to pm him but just says his inbox is full and cannot send the message???, i text him on wednesday asking if he knew when he would be frede but still got nothing, i meen he could just be on holiday or something.... i really dont know.... but just a text or something would be nice?
  9. right..... been trying to book my car in now for over a week and its getting a bit tireing.... ive phoned jgm and left messages every day this week to no avail.... got through to him once on tuesday and he said he will look in hid diary and call me back.... still waiting... and still no answer on his mobile... is there only 1 number for this company or am i just unlucky??? please help as i really need my scooby mapped
  10. cool ill give him a ring, cheers... ill keep you updated once its done!!!
  11. cool, has he done anyones cars on here? and how much does he charge???
  12. im in orpington/bromley area BR6 if thats any help?
  13. hi people, just wanted some advise really, i need to get my scoob remapped as its now had a de cat, front mount etc, i have 2 places in mind but was wondering if anyone has used them before and had any reccomendations i was thinking either power engerneering or sanspeed???? any helpis much aprieciated cheers woody
  14. i paid £300 for the roof, bonnet and all 3 vents... so not too bad really
  15. lol sorry mate, thanks for all the positive feedback, cant wait to get her back on the road.... not long to go now.... just having the bodykit colour coded and wheels re furbed then just an mot and tax and shes back......
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