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Everything posted by actionslax

  1. Thanks Davey. Kevlar fast road pads sound familiar. Do you know how much you paid for them? Cheers Stu
  2. Hi folks, I have a set of pads that I bought from Ian@Godspeed for my classic MY00 wagon. There was a mix up with the order and in the end I never ended up using them. I have no paperwork with them but I think they are fast road pads of some sort? I think they are for the rear? Any particular standard type brake setup these fit? Just trying to get all the info Cheers Stu
  3. You might be closer to Hypertech nr Falkirk? I was down at Steve's place a few weeks ago. Sound dude and knows his stuff! I think you take a right here at and follow road around and it's these big sheds - http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source...285.35,,0,11.73 I got lost
  4. Was looking at RS4's the other day and this looks pretty nice in matt black (wrapped)! Green originally.
  5. Thanks for the help dudes. It's the standard Subaru alarm so I take it that is the sigma alarm? Now after all this banter I do remember the previous owner going on about some code. There is a code pad in the glove box? I'll need to hunt through my paperwork to see if the code is there and will check out that link. I spoke to A.F Noble last year some time and said it was around £200, definitely over the £200 mark. Again thanks for the help! Stu
  6. Been caught out 3 times now! Mainly in Edinburgh mind but have had to call out the RAC for a tow every fecking time! Usually car works within a 1/2 a mile tow. I have a standard Subaru alarm on my classic. I park up and now know straight away that it's the problem in question as the fob won't alarm the car. If I don't get back in within 20 seconds (before immobiliser comes on) I'm screwed. It's happened 3 times over the past 2 years and know where the black spots are. Phoned the stealers and they want £2-300 to fit something over the unit in the motor. Must be a cheaper option out there?
  7. What are you replacing it with? Another wagon?
  8. cheers for the replies fellas. steve - I am going to go with you on the MAF front and just do a replacement and see if this solves the prob. Don't think it has ever been replaced. On the bell to Nobles first thing tomorrow. cheers again. stu
  9. Have noticed this recently. Once warmed up and stopped at lights etc I can hear and see the rev dip and peak dip and peak. Is this a throttle body issue or fuel filter problem or something? MY00 Classic wagon. Had a interim service December last year. Any help and advice - again appreciated. Cheers Slax ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.04.10 - New MAF sensor sorted the idling and now running back to normal. Nice.
  10. Can you get these tyres in varied sizes? Needing to replace all 4 on my wagon and have read good reports about these. Standard WRX wheel/tyre.
  11. Looking good! Can you tell me what rims you have and if you have any side on picks ? Looking for some subtle stealthy rims for my classic wagon.
  12. @gazb did you find a valeter in the end?
  13. Got my Godspeed front/rear discs n pads plus brake fluid done on my Wagon at Hypertech. Can't fault them for price and knowledge.
  14. Cheers for all the help. I'll let you know how I get on.
  15. ye nice pics. is this a Datsun?
  16. Nice one sti_steve. Didn't realise there was 3 different types. Will need to find out which kit I have. Also by fitting this kit do all the normal bushes get replaced with tougher, harder poly ones? Only asking as my front bushes were recommended to be replaced from my last MOT so wondering if this could be a adding to the harshness.
  17. Thanks for the info - BMWhere? The difference before and after is quite severe in terms of inside cabin noise - juddery teeth on the cobbles almost! I am no mechanic but feels like I have no shocks or bushes! This was done end of November before 'the freeze' and have lasted this long but just feels too severe - just doesn't feel right. Done some searching around and not read anywhere else that has had a significant difference. I had a full geometry set up done also at the same time.
  18. Got an Anti Lift Kit (Whiteline I think) fitted recently as was recommended as a first port of call for improving on the handling on my classic wagon. Initial thoughts were good - felt sturdier than without it and allot harder but living in Edinburgh its becoming almost unbearable with all the cobbles and ****e roads around here! I can feel every cobble crease and the slightest bump on the road. can this be adjusted in anyway or is there something else I can do or is this how it is? Any help would be well received. Cheers slax...
  19. I put one of those green panel filters in. Not noticed any difference in fuel usage. Does seem to give off more of a turbo ssssswooosh cheers slax
  20. Thinking about heading up to Aviemore tomorrow(Sunday 3rd) and I think you have to have snow chains/snow tyres to get up the access road - as in they won't let you up without them. Just spoke to a mate and he says all the Halfords stores in Edinburgh have run out! Not sure where else would sell chains. Anyone live around the Aviemore/speyside area? What's it like up there? Cheers
  21. Good idea on the jack - forgot about that! Had another look this morning and can't see anything untoward hanging down or anything. You can see from the pics that the nearside is pointing inward at about 10-15 degrees. Something must be bent or broke or something Still no idea how the feck this has happened?? I see my only option is to uplift and take it to a garage. £50+vat for dealer Nobles just to uplift - reluctant to outlay for the topend hourly rate as i'm away on holiday next week!
  22. unfortunately i have no means to jack it up. managed to move it back into a space but it didn't feel/sound good. had a look underneath but i can't see anything untoward - as in nothing hanging down. i'll try and take some photos.
  23. hello got a problem with my steering on my MY00 Classic wagon. parked up last night without any problems. Got in this morning and something wasn't right when i tried to move it. A juddery type lightish kind of feel at the front. Got out the car and the drivers side wheel is as normal but the nearside is at an angle pointing in the way. No fecking idea why this was happened ?? I'm no mechanic but could this be a trackrod issue or some sort of ball joint problem or even the steering rack? It's sitting double parked next to some bins and i think i am going to need a flat bed pickup to move it. Anyone got any recommendations on recovery? I'm with A-plan but can't mind if there is recovery on my option. any help and advice would be appreciated. cheers slax.
  24. I want this guys back yard!!! Like his newest toy!
  25. hello planning in my next stage of mods on my wagon and looking for some advice. I've recently upgraded the brakes - discs n pads from Godspeed, new hoses etc too. i want to move on to the suspension next (then move onto more power) but do it in stages so i can feel the progression of the bits i add on. anti lift kit and geometry setup next. not taking this car on the track (i say this now but) so do I need to go down the arb route? don't really want a twitchy back end but do want be able to throw the car into a corner without the roll and not to s**** myself. looking to upgrade the exhaust too but don't want anything too loud (motor way drone) but a nice grumble would be nice sure this has been asked number of times and I've read quite a few posts that talk about exhausts and the different sizes of pipes - i have no idea about this s**** so i imagine i am talking about a new backbox and not bolting bits togther? any suggestions? pp exhaust? probably a stupid question but what are the best rims to put on a wagon? think i am limited to 17" with my new brakes - like the look of those speedlines and the gb270 style also. any good links to 'wagon wheel' posts anyone? sure there was some other noob questions i had.... cheers in advance..
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