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About d5orr

  1. They take your reg number mate and get the right on. I think they might be trade only though so you need an account with them
  2. Just replaced the battery on my 04 sti mate it was £54 from dingbro and it's a Bosch so the best of stuff!
  3. so theres the next question does anyone know who would weld it in the edinburgh lothians area?
  4. yeh i was thinking the same myself! i dont suppose the bit thats broken of will effect anything if its not the original? must say though its hellish loud with it missing! haha
  5. well a little update on this! i rang scoobyworld to see what the situation was and they said that the 25 year warranty is non transferrable so as i didnt buy it there was nothing they could do! so then rang hayward and scott and they said if i send it down and pay the carriage they will weld it free of charge but the carriage is £20 each way. So do i send it to them or do i go elsewhere and get it welded? meant to add i dont have the piece thats broken of
  6. Aye its running perfect mate still brings a smile after 2 years! Ha ha aye I know I felt bad driving away!
  7. It is Gary aye!
  8. Yeh I thought with a guarantee like that they must be good! I haven't hit anything with either as it's the highest point and no marks underneath just seems to have sheared clean of!
  9. evening all! i have a Scoobyworld afterburner vortex backbox on my car and the tip or exit part at the end has come clean of the backbox! it says on the website they have a 25 year guarantee has anyone had to use this guarantee before? note it wasnt me who bought the exhaust it was on the car when i bought it
  10. yeh ive already seen that link and thats the problem im having as thats someone convertine a wrx to fit sti winglets. i have an sti so it already has the holes in the bumper but they seem to me to big to just pop the winglet in thats why im wondering if theres somethign that goes behind the bumper to fit them into
  11. yeah your right there are 3 holes in the bumper but on mine they are far to big to just clip them on thats why i was wondering if there is some kind of bracket behind the bumper to take up the space. the holes on my bumper are about 3 times to big for the clips
  12. i already have the winglets was just wondering if anyone knows what holds them on like is there a bracket behind the bumper or somethign else?
  13. No worries at all bigfelly think a trip to nobles will need to be made!
  14. thats the fog lamp cover mate the winglet is the wee bit on the side that wraps round the bumper. mines is of but i think there must be a clip or somethign missign as theres nothing to hold it on at the top
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