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Posts posted by wardy257

  1. It must depend on other factors. If you park on the street then you probably default to the highest premium for theft. If you park in a private car park then that would maybe give you a low premium for theft then the tracker would make that even lower. There are probably some postcodes that are expensive no matter what.

    I was quoted a £50 reduction if i actuivated mine but that would cost me £120 to do for a year so it is not worth it. Crazy really.

  2. Calling all,

    Our excuse for a government is again planning more speed limits, speed cuts and all the usual things it does rather than improve our roads, put more police on our streets and so on.

    The Department of Transport has released a new consultation on its vision of making our roads safer here:


    It is all the usual stuff with selective statistics, assumptions without proof and fails to study or suggest anything new. We are given the opportunity to reply by emailing answers to their questions to:


    Can I all urge you to reply in as much detail as possible, but even simple yes or no answers are better than nothing.

    The basic questions asked are:

    Vision and targets (Chapters 3 and 8)

    1. Do you agree that our vision for road safety should be to have the safest roads in the world? (Chapter 3)

    2. Do you agree that we should define a strategy running over twenty years to 2030, but with review points after five and ten years? (Chapter 3)

    3. Do you agree that our targets should be to reduce:

    • road deaths by at least 33 per cent by 2020 compared to the baseline of the 2004–08 average number of road deaths;

    • the annual total of serious injuries on our roads by 2020 by at least 33 per cent;

    • the annual total of road deaths and serious injuries to children and young people (aged 0–17) by at least 50 per cent against a baseline of the 2004-08 average by 2020;

    • by at least 50 per cent by 2020 the rate of KSI per km travelled by pedestrians and cyclists, compared with the 2004–08 average? (Chapter 8)

    4. We are proposing a set of indicators in order to help us to monitor performance (Appendix A). Do you believe these cover the right areas? (Chapter 8)

    Context (Chapters 2, 3 and 4)

    5. We have identified a number of factors that may affect our ability to deliver road safety improvements in the future world we are planning for. Do you think we have taken account of the key risks and opportunities? Are there others you would add? (Chapter 3)

    6. We think that the key challenge for road safety from 2010 is better and more systematic delivery, rather than major policy changes. Do you agree? (Chapter 4)

    7. This consultation document sets out the current evidence on the key road safety challenges. Do you agree with our analysis? Would you highlight any others? (Chapter 2)

    New performance framework (Chapters 4 and 8)

    8. We are proposing a number of measures to support the effectiveness of the road safety profession. Do you think they will be effective? What else might need to be done? (Chapter 4)

    9. Do you agree that an independent annual report on road safety performance, created on an annual basis, would be a worthwhile innovation? (Chapter 4)

    10. Do you agree that the Road Safety Delivery Board should be tasked with holding Government and other stakeholders to account on the implementation of a new national road safety plan? (Chapter 8)

    Roads and local authorities (Chapter 5)

    11. Do you agree that highway authorities reviewing and, where appropriate, reducing speed limits on single carriageway roads will be an effective way of addressing the casualty problem on rural roads? Are there other ways in which the safety of rural roads can be improved? (Chapter 5)

    12. How can we most effectively promote the implementation of 20 mph zone schemes in residential areas? What other measures should we be encouraging to reduce pedestrian and cyclist casualties in towns?

    (Chapter 5)

    13. How can we provide better support to highway authorities in progressing economically worthwhile road safety engineering schemes? (Chapter 5)

    Vehicles (Chapter 6)

    14. What should Government do to secure greater road safety benefits from vehicles?

    15. Do you agree that, in future, crash avoidance systems will grow in importance and will have the potential to greatly reduce casualties?

    16. How can we best encourage consumers to include safety performance in their purchasing decisions?

    Behaviours (Chapter 7)

    17. We have highlighted what we believe to be the most dangerous driving behaviours. Do you agree with our assessment?

    18. What more can be done to persuade the motoring public that illegal and inappropriate speeds are not acceptable behaviours?

    19. What more can be done to encourage safe and responsible driving?

    20. Should more be done to reward good driving? If so, what?

    The original document is long but a quick skim read will soon aid you with what you need to reply so do not let this put you off.

    Please all just write something, anything. This is our chance to respond. Please also spread this as far and wide as you can as most people will not even know this consultation exists.

    Do not assume other will reply as the last consultation I took part in had just 12 replies, 6 of which were from forums like this after I made people aware of it!! And of course consultation writers (DVLA) stated the low number of responses was an indication that very few people objected to the proposals!!! The DofT will be the same, dont let them!!

    This your chance, please act now as the consultation ends mid July. Dont leave it for some one else then complain when you see more speed cameras, speed limits and when we are all forced to scrap our cars due to compulsory ABS etc!!!

  3. Hello, I have not long owned my first Scooby and found this in the glove box. What is it?



    There also appears to be a slot for something in the glove box, at the top. Are these two things related like the original alarm system that has been removed or something?


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