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About Bondy

  1. After reading this ive had to hide all the sharp objects , any more probs buy a new engine its going to be cheeper
  2. lol told the girl friend that the scoobys got a lovely air scoop on the front and she replied so have i Women have got an answer for everything
  3. Got to Canary warf then turned back , no roads gritted in london total mess
  4. My girlfriend has asked what is the most important thing in my life, my scooby or her How do i break the bad news to her
  5. If its still the same probs as last time make sure you take it back to the same garage and grab the mechanic by the throat , your get there mate
  6. Thanks for all the suggestions will have a ring about
  7. Thank you mate will look into it but cars 100% on what it was Cheers
  8. You done it again engine feels like new Cheers mate Bondy
  9. Sugestions on a good rolling road anyone , nearer to Maidstone the better
  10. Try speaking to craig at Kent Performance http://kentperformance.torque-steer.co.uk/index.htm You never know you luck dosnt hert for a second opinion Seems like he knows what hes doing unlike my last mechanic
  11. Yes mate i got told it could be a coil pack breaking down but will have to wait and see , whos dealing with yours ?
  12. Sounds like it was a dodgy lead
  13. Yes they seem to doing ok for me as scooby in at mo but seems to have found fault that last mechanic couldnt Cheers Kent Performance
  14. No all thats fine not drinking any oil and temps fine Any more ideas mate Bondy
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