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About Scooby-G

  1. hello mr!
  2. no 1? £70 its yours!
  3. i got a full STI exhaust system in near mint condidtion. came off a 2003 blob. cheap as chips, pm me for details and pics. will swap for Classic STI rear lights or a loud back box, or cash!
  4. http://thurrockcruisers.proboards.com/index.cgi this is a small info forum for those that attend the meets on saturday nights up thurrock. obviously its empty atm but im hoping it will get more attention. THIS IS NOT A NEW CLUB ATTEMPT..... THIS IS NOT TRYING TO TREAD IN KENT SCOOBYS/SIDCS TOES (as if) ITS PURELY FOR THOSE THAT GO DOWN THURROCK ON SAT NIGHTS. please delete if deemed inapropreate!
  5. LMFAO! they look so cute! lol
  6. sorry! lol
  7. i see all you guys there today! didnt know any 1 well enought to come say hello tho! hopfully ill try and get with you guys for next year as our club stand was a bit of a disaster as we got there late!! (in other words there was no stand!) nice to see some of ya cars up close, great day out for the whole fam!
  8. know how u feel, i had cctv all over my old house! chavy pikey scum bags!
  9. lol A chooo.. whhhhhhheeeiiiiiiiii (sqeels like a piggy) ill get my coat............................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  10. i will defo.. my little local clubs been a mare! lol
  11. ok thanks peeps!
  12. right, me my wife and our 2 kiddys are going to the perfomance bhp show at lydden hill 2morrow. our so called "club leader" has completely f**ked up everything, i.e NOT booking stand on time and NOT getting us a cheaper entry. Question is, is it £12 a head, £12 a head plus car or what as she has no clue and keeps changing her mind. and the Performance-bhp website is not very clear on the pricing! help would be appreciated as its tomorrow. cheers.
  13. got them from Flebay mate, about 30quid. its fiddly to fit them but not hard. i have a write up on another site so gimmi a shout if ya get stuck! oh oh oh!! lol what you lot doing on here then! x x x
  14. alright mart! thought i would come and join a propper scooby forum! you still playin with that ice cream cone?? lol
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