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Everything posted by incarsolutions

  1. Not sure but it will be going well into the afternoon as he wants to spend time on every car and we have 18 so far
  2. yeah the more the merrier, dont have to be there for 9.30 as it'll be going on for a few hours so your head can recover first
  3. having a bit of a shootout on sunday 17th starting at 9.30, 5 runs per car with fuelling etc being checked if we get 15 cars or more its £35 per car bottle of bubbly for the car with the most power link on kentscoobies http://www.kentscoobies.com/showthread.php?p=2067#post2067 hayes engineering europpa trading estate erith kent there's a list on the site or alternatively list here and we'll merge the two. Lee
  4. there's 3 more of us coming too
  5. We'll be there, there's 4 of us coming from dartford if anyone wants to join the convoy
  6. It had dropped about 8 inches by then, saw you go past (was walking to the chinese to get something to eat)
  7. Yeah was mine, didnt fancy going through the lake to put it in the garage until it drained a bit
  8. been offered one local to me so hopefully will collect tonight and all will be good!
  9. Hi guys, as mines just spat its dummy, i need desperately a replacement header tank for my 94 wrx, its a plastic one at the mo so a direct swap is ok, but if a later alloy one would fit i'd prefer that option just for peace of mind it wont go again. I'm based in dartford but dont mind travelling as i'd like to get it fixed for fridays meet. It'd be a shame as i'm a couple of minutes from the wharf and at the minute the car wont make it without making a mess everywhere. Thanks Lee
  10. Cheers mate, just picked one up from scoobynet for £80 delivered, thanks anyway
  11. Looking for a replacement for my smokey one, if anyones got a good one they dont mind selling
  12. I'll be up for that, had a full decat since the last one, and only been through the blackwall once since (was gloriously loud tho )
  13. mine was the wagon we were with the other halves and they insisted we had something to eat first................................... we didnt get out till closing time
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