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mystery machine

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Status Updates posted by mystery machine

  1. The Heelan Fling looked like a lot of fun, and the Cat suits you too! :)

  2. Wazzup, Cathy! How are you keeping?

    Aye, been out in the Scoob a fair bit lately - did a tour of the Borders a few weeks back - went as far as Hawick before I realised that I'd left my passport at home... had to turn back after that ;)

  3. Disgraceland's needing a wee bit of attention as it happens - it's getting into grass-cutting season and nearly time for me to get the mower out and trim the roof!

  4. Hi Cathy - long time no' speak! Aye, we got a tonne of snow up here on Stirlingshire's answer to Beverly Hills - so much so in fact that old Disgraceland's rusty tin roof caved right in! Now I don't mind admitting that I was absolutely inconsolable for a while, as it was one of the house's

    (continued below)

  5. original features (the other notables being the termites and the varmint traps).

    Also, my internet got covered in snow and water, so no SIDC for me :-( Never mind - I'm a resourceful character, so I made for the cutlery drawer, dusted down dem old spoons and did a whistle-stop xmas busking tour

    (continued below)

  6. of the shopping centres and underpasses of Central Region! The great news is that two weeks of solid spoon-plinking saw me make enough money for a brand new roof of solid *MDF* and tin foil - place looks just like the Armadillae concert hall in Glesgae now!!!

    (continued below)

  7. I even had enough change left to buy a wee xmas treat for the family ferrets (Priscilla and Lisa-Marie) :-)

    Hope things are well with you - drop me a PM if you fancy a chat some time! :-)

  8. He he - what are you like, Cathy! Reminds me of "Friends" - they were into season 10 before Phoebe 'got' the joke behind name of their local caff, "Central Perk" :-)

    Aye, the name's just a reference to the Scooby Doo mobile from the cartoon ;-)

  9. I plan on putting some decking down before getting around to doing the painting. Actually, I might just demolish the shed altogether and use that to build my decking. For living space, I'll pitch a David Brent alongside it, Gaddafi-style :)

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