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About scoobnoob

  1. Cheers for that, these look the business, I've emailed them to get a price? I take it there not road legal?
  2. Hi All, Just bought a second set of 18" wheels, with the intended purpose of putting semi slick tyres on them for track days. I've had a look at the R888's which sound good but are bloody expensive, so I was wondering if anyone could suggest an alternative that they've found work well on the track? cheers
  3. could be needing new coil packs ?
  4. Cheers for the links mark Jase, what kind of bhp you running with that set up? And did you have to change the gear box, I think the RA one might struggle?
  5. Rich, there was no weight difference on the wings at all, but they do look quite cool. I only got them because there was a wee bit of rust coming in on the original one’s Mark and strapper, you’s are right, best to stick with something if it’s a good one, no point in going back into the car sale lottery; although the M3’s are minted and are going for great money these days. But I suppose building the car up is how you become attached to it. Reckon a forged engine build could be the next step, need to get saving the pennies though! anyone know a good place to buy the internals, pistons etc? Strapper, I was actually looking into 17’s with a set of R888, but the problem was getting them over the brembo callipers, do you know a particular 17” alloy that will fit?
  6. definitely track focused. had it at kames and knockhill this year, and it was a blast, could have done with just a wee bit more power and maybe a set of R888's, so thats why I'm thinking engine internals. Any idea what would be needed and the kind of costs involved? It's just a bit of a thought spending more money on an older car, thats why I've been looking at other newer cars, but I'm kind of thinking with the amount of good condition classic scoobs around on the decline, then they could become collectors items pretty soon, so might be worth holding onto it and spending some more dosh it
  7. Hi all, I feel like I’ve done every mod possible to my classic sti Ra vltd, without going as far as a full engine rebuild. So I’m swithering whether to sell it in its current state, or keep it and spend some more dosh on it? If I was to keep it, I’m unsure of what the next step in modifying it would be, so could someone point me in the right direction? And if I was to sell it, prob be looking at an m3, evo, or dax rush hayabusa My current mods are 550cc injectors HKS front mount apexi cone filter Fuel pressure regulator TD05 20G Apexi ecu, and avcr Exedy clutch and lightened flywheel Full decat, up pipe and down pipe Bosch fuel pump Brembo’s front and back with performance friction discs and pads Eibach front and rear anti roll bars Whiteline drop links, anti lift kit, and underbrace KYB adjustable suspension Carbon bonnet and wings cheers http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2691/417833...6efd253d0_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2706/417833...2d470e2e5_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2617/417909...24b6f26e6_o.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4048/417833...f2658508a_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2584/417909...ba6e90a5f_o.jpg
  8. I looked into a fmic a while back and the autobahn seemed to be the best for the money. I ended up getting a second hand HKS on ebay though, but was tricky to instal
  9. Also for anyone else who thinks we’ve got it bad here, get a hold of a copy of this, it’ll make you realise how lucky we are:- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0309061/
  10. I was just suggesting that global warming appears to be taking place; in that particular example the rising sea levels contributed to the effect the storm had. But I didn’t suggest the storm was man made, or global warming in general is man made. I think the science behind proving that argument one way or another is irrelevant. The one thing I can see first hand is the waste and pollution we create, and that needs to change. So if that means bringing countries together under the banner of global warming (whether its man made or not, or even happening at all), it might be the only initiative to stop these massive companies producing even more pollution and waste As for the apathy, voting and general nothing we can do attitude, I know what your saying, we are governed by a bunch of *******s. But that’s just what capitalism is all about:- ‘In capitalist society, an economic minority dominate and exploit the working class majority’ But as much as we moan about it, we still enjoy the good aspects of it. I personally consider myself very lucky to live here, as we’ve got it pretty good in comparison to a lot of the places I’ve been to, where people don’t have houses and just sleep on the ground, or dig through waste grounds with their bare feet and hands for a living. So if I have to pay a few extra taxes then so what, at least I’m not living in a shack next to a chemicals factory I reckon a ‘Global warming debate track day’ would sort this out once and for all?
  11. To ‘thefastone’, where did I say we caused that storm?
  12. To be honest I’m personally not that interested in the actual science behind the debate. I’m not a scientist myself and I can’t travel into the future to tell you one way or another who’s right or wrong The only thing I’m interested in is the by product of the debate, which will hopefully be less pollution and wastefulness of natural resources And if politicians want to tax us excessively for it, then we can always vote them out in the next election
  13. the coilovers aint gonna help your car, or your teeth! Plus the stuff u've listed is everyday wear and tear stuff that you'll need to replace on any car
  14. sounds like you got aint got a very good example of a classic impreza there. I've got a 96sti RA vltd and its solid, track days and all. starts every time, no rust as I've had the underside sealed. I'm not a great fan of the newage scoobs either, they lack the raw feeling of the classic I did like the idea of a newer evo at one point, until I sat in one; It sounded like a washing machine on spin cycle! So I'd say get rid of your current scoob, and buy another classic thats been well looked after, and has a good spec,
  15. Sorry guys, I’ve read through this thread and just can’t see why a lot of you are so against trying to reduce the amount of pollution we create. I can understand what your saying about the hypocrisy and corruption of the politicians, and big companies using it for their own benefit, but that’s just the capitalist society we live in; and as much as we like to complain about it we also enjoy the benefits of it. But overall less pollution and burning of the rainforests can surely only be a good thing, whether it reduces global warming or not? If anything, the introduction of more fuel efficient cars means more oil left for the less fuel efficient cars, scoobies! Also to say ‘humans actually prosper in periods of global warming’ and ‘Be grateful for climate change’ is easy when you don’t have waves lapping at your front door. Like most things in this world, it wont be us that will be worst effected, it will be the poorest people I’d like to see someone explain to them that they should be grateful for climate change!
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