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Posts posted by Dorsetdaffodil

  1. One of those high powered water pistols is good from an upstairs window lol ... wait till the cat is settled into his "job!" and have a good laugh at the look on its face when it's deciding .. A , wots hit it and .. B, How the hell it can stop s****ing to run !!!!!! :wub::D:D

  2. Welcome Scooby B .. I went to weston college ( too long ago to mention) lol would be good to have a meet round there SP. I spent more of my college time on the pier and at the pool than at the college lmao ( guess that why I'm where i am today instead of a famous TV chef !!!Lmao)

  3. ohhhhhhhhhhhh, you need to get that sorted before it rusted..bet its either your boot spoiler or lights that are letting the water in...get someone to get in the boot with a torch.and spray it with water and see if they can find the source of the problem..

    Well I've got a torch .. you volunteering Parkie ??? hehehehe

  4. very true DD.. :o:P:P doesnt expain the boot though........................

    Well Errrr :) ... thats where I keep the fish !!! It leaks and the spare wheel well fills up .. or handy if I buy plants on a hot summers day( ha few and far between !) just pop em in the water .. lol :D:rotfl::lol:

  5. have what lol

    Yes still got her ED ... But just had to get ryan new school shoes and trainers today so that's my petrol money for tomorrow

    gone !!! ;) .. I was looking forward to seeing you all as well .. Do you still do meets anywhere near here (Ham Hill ) etc ???

  6. Horse n cart !!!!! lmao

    Ummmm Morris 1000 in powder blue called "Betsy! ".. got it off my uncle for about 1oo quid .. managed to write it off twice .. Rolled it on the road to cheddar from wells thru a hedge ( on L plates !!) ... then hit a wall going uphill on wrong side of the road ( after a very "merry " nite in Wells with mates !)

    Thankfully "Moggies" were buggers for cornering and holding the road... but when you went off it they protected you like a chiefton tank !!!!!

    ( In the days before seatbelts were legal and you only got breathalised AFTER the cops had given you a cup of tea and an hour to stop crying and calm down ... hehehe )

    OMG I'm old as well !!!! :lol:

  7. lovely little faded green Austin A35 for 40 quid - lasted a year, but was running bad at the end, 20 odd mpg on 5 star and 200 odd on oil :lol:

    then A40 for £65 - off to halfords for a can of matt black paint for the bonnet & I thought I was the dogs.

    Retired that for a brand new vauxhall magnum 1800 on an N plate for a massive £1450.

    god I'm old .........

    Errr YEP lmao

  8. needed something a bit more practical,a bit bigger,the rear seats are a bit small the kids kept kicking me in the back lol..and the boot wasn't big enough...lol

    Wot ?? I got 4 kids and 5 grandkids the ones i cant get in the back seat I put in the boot lmao ... I know wot you mean tho .. but it's still NO excuse if you gonna be a "family!! " man get a VOLVO !!! Pmsl

  9. Come and do mine if ya like Monki .. Think I'm going to have to start washing mine in Cat deterant or put vaseline on the bonnet !!!!! One of them even stays there when I start up and start rolling down the drive ... (till I slam the brakes on !!) hehehehehe

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