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About scooby_ger

  1. Top bloke Ed. Haven't known you or Jacqui that long really but always made welcome. I for one am not renewing my membership here because after 2 years I can't see any tangible benefits. And that's my personal opinion not a dig at the SIDC. The one thing I looked forward to was True Grip falling through the letterbox. Its just not the same having a dump with a laptop perched on your lap!! LOL!! Will keep in touch via FB. PS, my scoob is nearly roadworthy again. New turbo, serviced and just waiting for CV boots and Whiteline droplinks to arrive then its of to Mr McCormacks for an MOT!!! Then funds allowing off to Bob Rawle for a remap. Stay safe people and good luck to the people trying to revive the SW area.
  2. Sorry I couldn't make it Ed. No job and lack of funds now putting a dampener on all my activities. Hopefully I'll be moving to North Swindon within the next 4 - 6 weeks anyway (me & Diesel!), so I can make more of an effort. Got an induction for British Gas on Weds and Thurs this week to start as a subby for them fulltime. Just need to pass an exam Weds am. Send my regards to SP and hope your new jobs going well.
  3. Is this a 'Bring a Dog' meet? If its ok with everyone I'd like to come along with my GSD Diesel. Wont be in the Scooby though. Will be in the Forester TTB. It's Diesels car!!!! :-)
  4. Cracking looking dog. Always nice to see a woofer get a new home. Hope you have many happy years together.
  5. See you at the meet chaps!!!
  6. Afternoon everyone!!! Back in sunny Calne! Picked up the Fozzy ttb yesterday after landing at LHR and picked up the scooby from my brothers today. Had a blast in both and realised that an automatic Forester doesnt handle quite as well as an Impreza! Anyway, good to be back home and will be present at meets etc from now on.
  7. Many happy returns for today SCOOBYPRINCESS. Hope you have a great day and Ed spoils you rotten! Ed, get of your a*** and make your missus breakfast in bed!!! LOL!!!!
  8. Didnt know Powerpoint was available for the ZX81 Ed???
  9. Yeah, thats what I meant!! LOL!!
  10. Gonna be back in the UK on June 2nd!! Woo-hoo!! Developments at work not to my liking so coming home a few pounds lighter, and little bit darker!! May even make the July meet!! ;-) See you soon!
  11. Looking forward to lying out in 50 degrees, skimpy speedos and a coating of Ambre Solaire!! LOL!!! Im pretty safe mate. Im a civvy contractor and have all the brave men and women protecting me from the baddies!!
  12. .............. Hi guys!!! Back in bandit country!! Weather is a balmy 31 degrees and its getting hotter. Apologies for not making the Chip meet. Had to say farewells to family etc! All things being equal I shall be back at the beginning of August. Hopefully slimmer, browner and a bit richer!!! Hope everyone is well. Lee
  13. I had, but they want me back. As a Manager I dont get paid for overtime, but the deal for me returning is I get paid 24 hours overtime per week. So effectively my wages will double every month. I'd be a fool to turn it down.Plus I havent managed to secure a job here yet.
  14. I'll be coming to this one as I am heading back to KAF on the 24th. I have milked the company sick policy long enough!! LOL!! ( I actually have been ill) Wont be back until the end of July. And, my missus will get sick of the amount of parcels she's going to take in for me! I have visions of major upgrade works on my baby. Teins, FMIC, new Turbo, Whiteline kit all round, Brembos front and rear, remap, fuel rail, new splitter, HID lights. You name it, Im gonna get it!! LOL!!
  15. Sir, you are probably quite correct!!
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