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About Ctrmint

  1. Hi just been reading through the posts. Not sure if this helps much, but thought I'd add it none the less. My wifes WRXs has what sounds like a similar squeak coming from the nearside, it basically seems to be where the dash meets the A pillar. If you place some force between the dash and pillar its stops. Though it is very annoying, given we know what it is, ie not mechanical, we've not done anything about it. I guess we should take it in and get it sorted. As for the parcelshelf, yes ours rattles too, however we had a Forester sometime before this car and it was the same. I found if you cut up a suitable piece of sponge and pad the slot out a little it stops. It is crude, but works! just need to find some dark sponge.
  2. you'll have to post some pics so we can all have a good gander. I've actually got rid of my classic, decided in the end it wasnt for me and got myself an 06 STi Type UK.
  3. you buying the Spec D on island?
  4. Mate sorry to hear you are selling your Impreza and also I hope somebody takes up the RO role. I know myself and Barty only got involved last year, but the meet was good fun and we'd both hope to do it again. Didn't know you had a Legacy.... what spec did you buy, must be a new purchase.
  5. Sorry to hear about your mishap, I'm really gutted for you. Hope you manage to find another soon.
  6. you too mate happy new year!
  7. Im not an expert but I believe the gasket between the downpipe and centre section dont survive too well when the systems are disconnected. Its a shame you are having to wait so long, the likes of TSL stock the genuine Subaru gasket for around £35 and usually have them readily available.
  8. Welcome, good to hear you got one. They are an awesome car, but here on the island they are just so at home. Even my wife appreciates what a great car they are, shes on her second, tho her first suffered a failed head gasket (best not to talk about that one ) I too have had a VTS Saxo which was cracking hot hatch, but as I'm sure you'll find out the impreza's grip and pull on any of our lovely roads is just incredible and just a totally different experience to the VTS. Cya about, ours are either a White WRXS (yes the hatch - the wifes), a GB270 or a silver debadged classic T2000 with OZ and Prodrive rear spoiler.
  9. well it will be a case a of saving some more pennies. But I will be changing the alloys, the manifold and most likely the rear spoiler. There is still a problem to solve at present as the car doesnt want to run smoothly since all the changes were added. So that is current the priority.
  10. The biggest difference is in the handling. The car is perfect on the manx roads, it rides our bumpy countryside roads great, but doesnt roll and it turns in so well. I'm no talented driver and this is the first time I've ever had a car modified, but even I can feel the difference its made. Its simply a completely different drive. Shame I can't show all the bits underneath.
  11. and now, tho you can't see all the suspension work such as struts & springs etc etc.
  12. Thought I'd post up a few more pictures of my Classic pre and post the work carried out at PACE. Before
  13. The car is getting close to completion now, with just a few niggles for Ian to sort. Barty managed to get a photo on his IPhone today when we were down at PACE., so thought I'd post it. Of course I will put more up once the car is finished. Most of the goodies are actually underneath, might see if Ian will let me photo underneath next time I'm down. All the Whiteline stuff looks pretty sweet. http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc264/ctrmint/016a.jpg
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