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About peacher

  1. Ha, ha - already did that and had no takers!
  2. Hi, Not been on here in ages as sold my scooby about 4 years ago but still have a standard WRX blobeye rear spoiler (in red) in my shed. Free to a good home if anyone wants it or it will be getting taken down the skip! Cheers, Peter
  3. Just sold my Scooby at the weekend and am in the process of getting my private reg put on retention. Will need to get some new number plates made up for whatever registration is allocated back on my car. Looking to get some really cheap plates made up as the new owner is going to replace them anyway and wondered if anyone knew of anywhere around Stirling / Falkirk area where I could get this done? Cheers, Peter
  4. Hi, Just looking for a bit of advice regarding the Subaru Corrosion Warranty and some rust I have found. Was putting some stuff in the boot of my 05 WRX yesterday and noticed that there is a small amount of rust/bubbling coming through on the bottom right hand side of the tailgate. Had a quick flick through the warranty book and noticed that Subaru advertise a 12 year Anti Corrosion and just wondered if I could possibly claim on this or if anyone has successfully done it? There are no stone chips on the boot (as you would expect) and as far as I am aware the car has never been in accident. The corrosion appears to bubbling from the inside out and the car has always been serviced at Ian Grieves apart from the 40,000 mile service which was done at Hypertech. Not sure if that affects the corrosion warranty or not or even if I may be entitled to claim but would have thought a 5 year old car shouldn't be rusting? Just thought I would canvas opinion here before sucking it up and potentially getting a bodyshop to deal with it. Cheers, Peter
  5. Just a quick update and also to thank everyone for replying. Got my Godspeed discs and pads fitted today at Hypertech (brilliant service as usual) and the noise has now gone! Must have been the brake pads that were at fault so will remind me to not let them get too worn in future. Cheers, Peter
  6. As above, anyone used these guys before/know if they are any good? http://www.japperformanceparts.co.uk/ Cheers, Peter
  7. Thanks for the replies. Rig pig - brake pads may be a good shout as I knew they were getting pretty low (hence why I have godspeed discs and pads waiting to be fitted). This may force me to get my finger out and actually get the brakes done.
  8. Hi, Been noticing a sort of metal on metal noise from the front of my scooby when turning right on full lock recently. Only seems to happen at slow speed and I had presumed it was my mudflap as they do drag along the ground after the tein coilovers were fitted. Spent an hour today removing all my mudflaps and the noise is.........still there! Not sure what it could be as couldn't see anything loose / dangling when I took the wheels off. Just wondering if it could it be brake related, sticking caliper maybe? Cheers, Peter
  9. I would recommend Admiral, just got my renewal through for my multi car policy and it is £592 (Subaru Impreza WRX insured for 5000 miles P/A and VW Jetta TDI Sport for 15000 miles). Considering I was paying £500 for the Subaru alone with Direct Line just over a year ago that seems pretty good. Only problem is that they don't insure remapped cars which is something that I was planning to do....
  10. Thanks for the replies. To be honest I was a bit concerned that the reasonable price may mean poor quality but would be interested to hear how you get on fitting the system to your car kennyuk300.
  11. Hi, Been looking at the Japspeed Exhaust group buys over on Scoobynet and just wondered what people thought of them? Looking to replace the exhaust system on my blobeye WRX and the price for their full system seemed pretty reasonable? Cheers, Peter
  12. Cheers for the replies, think I will give Hypertech a call. Was going to try fitting them myself but think my lack of mechanical ability will knock that on the head.
  13. Hi, Has anyone got any suggestions of a garage that I could use to get my replacement discs and pads fitted to my WRX around Central Scotland (and possibly change the brake fluid too)? Just bought a set of grooved discs and kevlar pads from Godspeed but don't really fancy paying dealer prices to get them fitted. Close to Stirling would be ideal but had thought Hypertech might be my best bet? Cheers, Peter
  14. Hi, I would give Gary at Trimline Systems a call. He recently did a great job of fixing the driver's seat on my Jetta and is hopefully going to repair the leather seat on my WRX SL soon. Am sure they do full retrims as well and can try and dig out his number if you are interested (think he is based in Livingston)? Cheers, Peter
  15. Am also watching this thread with interest as I need to replace the discs and pads on my wrx. Had been looking at the grooved disc group buy on Scoobynet for either Godspeed or Aztec Performance. Just wondering if anyone had bought any of their kit and could recommend them or if I should be looking anywhere else? Like C_WRX I am a bit suspicious that the Godspeed discs are so cheap. Cheers, Peter
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