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smiley kylie

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Everything posted by smiley kylie

  1. Its Cassington bike night tonight folks, please watch out for our easily excitable 2 wheeled friends Cheers, K
  2. No worries Ed, lovely evening for a drive-out and light so late too, took this pic on the way home at apx 10.30pm! One question came to my mind after taking this though, why do you always have your meets on a full moon? K
  3. Off to play with the traffic on Friday evening as am popping round to see the neighbours in Swindon for their regional meet Anyone who wants to come along for a bit of M4 formation flying is more than welcome, just post up here by Friday lunchtime Cheers, K
  4. I am going to try to get down to you for meet, may be fashionably late in arriving though, but you will hear me before you see me - SP can i pinch a welcome pack if you have 1 spare? K
  5. Will give it a few days before we confirm everything, just to see if anyone else wants to come along - the more the merrier Probably go for a meet up time of roughly 8.30ish? It usually takes me apx 2 hours to get there from Reading. If thats too early ( as its a Sunday ) then just say and we can leave later, its not like we are on a stand or anything Will confirm meet up location in a few days too, so we get somewhere that's good for everyone. Cheers, K
  6. Ok its a deal, as long as you dont leave me behind either Dave too? Cant wait to see the new toy
  7. Looks like the Sunday is a go then.... Anyone fancy driving up with me? K
  8. All Dad's welcome Tell him you are taking him out for a pint
  9. Nutter! Id understand if the bike in question had an engine.... Have a goodun mate, ride safe and catch you soon
  10. Just a little bump back to the top for this as its this Sunday and the forecast is dry
  11. Eek! sorry mate - accident, i have removed and will re-do and re-post. That'll teach me not to check preview first
  12. Some pics from last night: Vonnies lush RB5 Mr Monkey, with Arron parked beside Smike and 2 ropey old cars And yup,as usual we were the last to leave Sorry i didnt get a good photo of yours Cruize, especially as i had my camera in my feckin hand too! You will have to come along to a meet again Cheers all, K
  13. Thanks everyone for making last night's meet so enjoyable Good to see some new people and make some new friends A few photos to follow... Cheers, K
  14. And very nice it was to meet you mate, see you again soon we hope
  15. Excellent You wont be on your own either mate, there will be at least 8 of us that i can think of straight-off K
  16. BTT....Tomorrow night people Should be a good turn-out - even Colin from Ignition Motorsport is threatening to come along K
  17. As Andy said above, come and find us at Reading Jap Meet or at our monthly meet - check topics for more info . Keep an eye on the regional sections too as we sometimes go out 'on manouvers' to our neighbouring regions, always room for 1 more Welcome to SIDC and hope to meet you soon K
  18. Great Andy, I guarantee little G would LOVE IT there. Lots of cute pigs, goats etc in a penned corner of the beer-garden Fab for big kids too
  19. Dont forget to let the neighbours know if you are planning to cross the county lines..may get a few want to meet up and tag along for a while en-route
  20. Anyone fancy coming along to this? Have a look, Uxbridge Auto show I know a few of the local Impreza owners will be in attendance, and as it falls this year on the 3rd Sunday (18th July) it seemed worthy of putting forward for your thoughts. Cheers, K
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