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About AlanPPP

  1. Yeah Jonah that was me mate! : ) Got a Saxo VTR at the mo In the market for another scoob but decided to go for either a bugeye STI or at best a Blobeye STI.Buying a house at the min so we will see.Heart says P1 though What you driving now mate? I'll check out you you motor though Dan just for a look see...
  2. Hi guys I'm usually on Scoobynet but i need your help. I've just been to test drive this scooby... Scooby wrx I live in Birkenhead and this car is based in Deeside in Wales.Whilst i was looking at the service history etc i seen an SIDC sticker etc inside and wondered if this was anyone's old car if you know anything about it? Just don't want to buy a dog! Seemed oK though. Thanks Alan
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