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About TimDog

  1. Hi guys, Anyone know if the powder coating place in Dalkieth is still in business? (Premier Industrial Painting i think its called). I tried the numbers but they arent working anymore. If not does anyone have any reccomendations for an alternative place close to Edinburgh preferably? Cheers Tim
  2. Hey folks, Just looking for reccomendations for garages for servicing a 1995 JDM STi Wagon in or around Edinburgh. I live on the south side but work just outside Penicuik, so obviously Noble subaru is an option, but its likely to be an expensive one! Opinions gratefully recieved! Oh and if anyone has any idea how to safely remove the interior rubber door seal that runs from the wing mirror to the back of the passenger door that would be good too, as I aint got a scooby (badoomtish) Tim
  3. Hey guys and gals, Got my first Scooby about a month ago, a STi v2 wagon (pics will follow at some point), loving it so far but have noticed that the wheel nuts are rusting up - does anyone know of anywhere in Edinburgh or around that sells black wheel nuts? have tried a couple of places but no luck so far.... Also if anyone has any reccomendations for servicing / electrics that would be much appreciated! Tim
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