I have joined this forum to say how sorry and saddened i am to hear of Colin McRae`s tragic passing.I am a member of the Ford RSOC and we are doing something special to celebrate the life of Colin(Flower tribute and Car sticker) and I still can not believe he has gone, so cruel too with the added heartache of his son, and the other child and friend.......
I was watching the news24 and a load of scoobies went into the road where i guess Colin lived,and there was about 15/20 of the cars, it made me cry even more.VERY VERY TOUCHING......
I live at the bottom end of the country(Cornwall) and Colin had the ability to touch people all over the world.......R.I.P.Colin you were a driving God , from one still shell-shocked lady.............hope you dont mind me sharing my feelings with you guys/girls.