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barry wemyss

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Everything posted by barry wemyss

  1. what is the loudest make of dump valve for a 99 classic uk turbo and where do you get them
  2. nice looking cars there i do like the black subarus what wheels is that on yours ???
  3. where can i get a fitting kit for a blitz supersonic dumpvalve for a 99 turbo impreza
  4. very nice indeed
  5. cheers will look in to that and also when i start the car i get a lot of smoke this is not normal i have topprd up my oil but i think i put to much in
  6. not sure on those subarus now how is blairgowrie i aint been there for a long time
  7. ok is that a big job for it to be changed i think it might be worth a change as it is hitting 90k unless some one can convince me that they are lonh lasting i have had the car 5 months and covered about 8k miles
  8. ok i have a 1999 s reg 2000 awd turbo (is this what is called a uk turbo ??) sorry new to subaru ownership when i start the car first thing it is lumpy to drive even after 4 or 5 mins to warm up and now and again when the temp gauge is half if i accelarate it is like it cuts out or struggles to get power but then it is ok any ideas please the car is going to subaru to get pressure tested tommorow and it is approach 90k so a service is due soon but if it is serious then the service will need to wait cheers baz
  9. never knew that i think i will try but i am not keen on the new version i am working that day anyway so it is just to get me to work and then back to get my car
  10. yeah certainly was i just finished giving mine a wee polish as it is going to subaru on monday morning
  11. hey fuzzy how you doing ? what sort of bussiness you doing ? i am about a fair bit between glenrothes and cupar i have a green classic with horrid wheels which are anthracite and flaking lol s reg give us a wave and may see you at a meet if i can make it baz
  12. your right there mate have a nice one eh lol
  13. your right there mate have a nice one eh lol
  14. yeah i will be staying with family in inverness and will be about both days at aviemore have you got huskies
  15. yeah mate i am heading up there not with the dogs tho as dont want to take just one as the other is getting an operation next week so going to take the scoob up the a9 for the first ever time lol
  16. thanks mate yeah they are hard work but a enjoyable hard work and your life does change with them
  17. hey guys good to see a few people in fife lol and i will try make the meet but due to trainning my dogs (huskies) and it is the seoson for the sled dog racing it depends if i get finished in time but i will try but in the summer i dont train them so i will make it to them then hope you all had a good new year baz
  18. hi ian yeah great just gives us a wave lol there is a nice p1 in cupar and i have seen a grey inpreza about also i think it was a rb5 ??
  19. ah ok thanks mate
  20. what is this warn thing at the side there just where my name etc is
  21. hey guys happy new year i drive a s reg green classic with wheels that are needing a refurb lol yeah seen a few waves and the look some people give is funny lol
  22. cusco never seen yourself but i have been on the mvm website in cairnyhill they sorted an exhaust on one of my old cars in
  23. so no one in fife
  24. any one on here from fife? i live in glenrothes and work in cupar i have seen a few nice subarus in the area
  25. dont really know any one on here but all of you have a good night and a good new year oh whats this warn thing to the left mean
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