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Everything posted by HelloItsMe

  1. Yeah I went up for a while I was standing by your red Scooby I think, I saw the black one and yeah those bloody skylines go. I was talking with Steve Colley for a fare bit he was in the caterham thingy, the blue one, it's his mates and that goes to. Did you go around in the blue scooby with the UK plate ? Think I've got a picture of it.
  2. Hi Dave, it's Richard from Laxey, sorry forgot to put that down. Did you go up the trackday today ?
  3. Hello from a gloomy Laxey area. I've had to re-register because I couldn't remember my login details.....doh ! I wanted to ask some views if you don't mind. 1. The new Impreza, what do you think of it ? My first impression is not good at all but I hope it will grow on me. 2. In Autocar this week there is a test and the RB320 is in the test, they say they get a combined mpg of 27.something, just wondered if anyone has one and is this true because I can only get around 20 in my sport wagon. 3. Just wondered if anyone goes out for a blast over the weekends or in the evenings and would like to meet for a coke ? I sometimes go for a run over the mountain and have a drink in the creg and watch the bikes/cars go by for a bit. I know I lead a very sad and simple life but heh I'm happy. lol. Cheers
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