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About Wagon_Mark

  1. I had a system on my classic built to suit by C+C in hillington and couldnt fault it BUT.. Ive got The Blitz nurspec system on my hawkeye, and cant help the heavy foot and window down even in the slightest of tunnels ! Best exhaust ive ever had on a car and the build quality is second to none. Would definatly suggest having a look at it...
  2. Forgot to say, also depends alot on what i can get for my subaru, specs are up top and its 06 with 21k FSSH. Anyone got a ballpark idea?? Scoobyseller might be able to help?
  3. Yeah Welsho she is going a bit mad with all the car chat! haha. I got my current scooby about a year and a half ago. Just after then we got our first house , and had to spend a fortune to sort it out! Now im talkin about new cars shes talking about aa bigger house, so the RS4 is right out the window for a year or so now! As far as i know most evos need serviced every 3500miles. But as i said miles arent an issue. Done around 1.5k max since september on my car!
  4. Soz guys, was talkin a big of guff last night due to the shandys.. Your right enough, it is a 9GT i am really interested in, this one http://pistonheads.com/sales/974459.htm Looked at far too many figures last night and got a bit muddled up!
  5. Ano mate but the RS4 is 28k, a bit steep for what ive been lookin at, bearing in mind i park on private parking, no garage. And i roughly do around 3 to 4 k a year. Saw i royal blue 8 GT with 400bhp, 400lbs. but mines is a 06, with 20k n the evo is a 54 with 30k. Just feeling a little bored just now, even after fitting the bc's which make it feel like its on rails. Like the idea of the active yaw. Guys help me!!!! They mrs is going mental that i want to swap after all the work thats went into the wrx, but i just feel a little let down, loooking for more if you know what i mean. I looked at the white Sti Ra in keighly motors, but its too overdone looks wise for me. Few pints in chaps since im off tomoro, need a clean head asspect
  6. Got that fresh out the factory look mate, lovely car.
  7. Looking for some help guys... Currently i have a 06 wrx saloon in black, with black 18" inovits, bc coilovers, 225 walbro pump, hks panel filter, blitz nuRspec exhaust, ht autos splitter, sti spoiler, tints allround. And ive been considering goin for the bigger turbo, h&s downpipe and andy F remap for hopefully 320 + brake... But over the last month or so i have really been considering swapping for a evo 8 GT or a evo 9 FQ-340, really just for a wee change. Allso been looking at M3's or a little over budget RS4 Saloons. What yoou guys think? I expect the die hard just keep the scooby response... but let me have it!! Cheers, Mark
  8. Well had them on a while now, no major testing roads but they have been fantastic. The turn in is so tight feels twice as good as before. But i am a bit worried about the bumper height coz of the splitter. And yes its alot bumpier than id hope, but i dont drive it alot so im not fussed. I did go over a bump the other day though and my rear end actual came right off the seat and back down, if i didnt have my seatbelt on i would have probly hit my head on the roof
  9. Looks gd mate! Is that the scoobyworld mudflaps?Had the same ones with wrx on, the stickers dont last lol
  10. Stunning car!
  11. Mon the coilovers Really need to get some nice pics of my car, dont do it justice at all. But im **** at taking pics and only got my fone!
  12. Cheers guys I Took it up to the parents house to show my old man. He said he thinks it looks like its doubled in size since i got it (standard wrx) and looks like ' a flippin flying machine' ! Since its been lowered i definatly think it looks alot longer and wider. I was chuffed, thats the look i was after lol.
  13. Couldnt tell you how much lower mate. They said they were set about halfway down. They are full adjustable including height. I didnt expect mines to be just as low, but i had told duncan i dont drive it alot and i wanted the best out of them so im looking forward to finding out! Forgot to say the rears are -3 Degree camber aswell so i will have to keep an eye on the tyre wear or i might need camber bolts.
  14. First of a big thanks to everyone at hypertech, who fitted the coilovers and done the geometry set up. Done a great job and i will definatly be back. Just a few pics of the car the night i got it back, dirty and taken with a phone camera, by me....good start. Been working non stop just now, so not had the chance to give it a good going over. Not really had the chance to get a good drive in it either, so i cant comment too much on how well it handles. Its sitting damn low though, the wheels are in arches. I already feel nervous even thinking about speedbumps! Cheers. Mark
  15. My Car is a 06 WRX Hawkeye saloon, forgot to mention that.
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