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mrs P

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Posts posted by mrs P

  1. Really???

    My daughter won't be reading again, my mistake and point taken.

    Not sure why I provoked such an aggresive reaction and reply, not such a friendly place eh.....

    Never in all my years on forums have I received the below reply, and from a fellow SW local as well....

    Who cyber bullies and intimidates nowadays? I'm 49 yrs young with 2 kids kicking around a Impreza forum, how can anyone justify this???

    """"if you have a problem with me pm me and i will give you my address

    your more than wecome to pop over we can deal with it"""

    matty, my hubby has met you in person,and he says you are a top bloke....he cant believe this hassle has started again,,he is more than willing to get back online(he doesnt even own a scooby at the moment) but hasn't had an apology from the the last time he posted and got so much grief etc..sad times for the sw region,,as i know many of the old members would like to get back online,but won't as there is to much bad/old/restrictions as to what can be said on here,,,,apparently a few members upset the other the other members,(you know who you are.or shall we mention names)..............sorry for having a laugh,but i thought that was what forums are for..


  2. sorry if i have upset people tonight but sw region has been dead for a long time and we were trying to get things up and running again having a bit of a laugh between members but tonight has just proved that things are still the same and looks like nothing will never change and you will NEVER get your best members back ever BUT YOU DONT CARE so hey sw is no longer as far as you are concerned (south west where is that as far as you are concerned) thought that this was an all over country forum (less the south west)!! anyway what is a 12 year old doing on this forum anyway i would not let my children on this!!!

  3. How lovely, we need pictures!

    I will get kev to take some and put some up later as he is doing his housewife duties at the mo (picking chloe and callum up from school!!)

    All the flowers i am getting at the moment is putting him to shame as he has not even got me any yet!!!!! he is going to treat me to a nintendo ds when we can get hold of one so i cant really complain about not getting any flowers from him!!!!!!

  4. He is missing talking to Ed, he is like a little boy who has lost his friend at school and has got noone else to talk to , Ed where are you as Kev is doing my head in as instead of talking to you I am having to put up with him talking to me when I am trying to watch tv!!!!!

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