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About Scoobyken

  1. There's a meet at ace cafe on weds 30th may! U fancy going? Let me know ASAP cos I need to put ur car reg on the forum.. It's in scoobynet, have u signed up?

  2. Hey Danny.. Finally got on here then..lol! I won't be going to the meet cos it's a bit far n also I have to work that day! I will pop over to see u one day when u r in.. I've just installed a big turbo n now waiting on tues to have the car mapped! Wait for my results mate!

  3. hi ken how are u?i was wondering if u are going for the meeting on 29 may?

  4. Heard sometimes theres meets at the ace cafe on the A406... are there no dates organised for scooby meets?? be ashame not to go there n meet some of u guys n see ur mods on ur scoobys!
  5. is there any meets coming up soon around london area? im in slough theres quite a few round this way!try to gather some up n do some tunnel runs wud be fun!
  6. im sorry i wont be attending this meet.. was looking forward to seeing everyone with their scoobys.. unforunately my pride n joy got vandalised by jealous idiots who thought it mite be funny throwing a traffic cone n a couple of iron bars over the wall n causing damage to the rear end! will look forward to seeing everyone at the next event!!! A very sad scooby ken!!
  7. can u put me down on the list pls.. thanx!!!
  8. i will be there mate.. wot time is it starting?? gonna grab a few more scoobs to join in for this!!! sounds fun!!
  9. cheers craig.. hope 2 c u n all the great scoobs on sunday!
  10. yeh i will be going this sunday.. but wont be joining u guys on the convoy for this one! just wanna knw do we have the sidc stand 4 this one? and how do i get ticket to come into stand?
  11. just wondering if theres anyone going to rotorstock on the 12th at santapod??
  12. sure was hoping there would be more scoobys there but plenty of nice cars about! hope we can arrange a better meetin 4 next month!! []
  13. come on guys n gals!! We need more to join in this local meet!! Cant let the supras keep running the show...
  14. dats cool dave.. cheers! hope the weather brightens up 4 all of us this weekend! had a pretty rubbish one at santa pod on the 24th.
  15. hi princess... im on the list but how will i be able to get into the stands??
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