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About Dicky_Bird

  1. Ok thanks for that.
  2. Anyone got a number for them please ?
  3. Hi Rich That's my next plan and I may be in touch with you for some info if that's ok. I'll see what BC come back with. []
  4. Oh well Dave, I just hope they find the problem this time and stop fobbing me off. [:@] I did ask them yesterday if they had a qualified Subaru technician and they said they did ?? If they don't sort it this time me and them are going to have words !!!! [8o|]
  5. Scooby broke down again last night and it's winging it's way to BC for them to have another look at, bloody thing, 20 odd grands worth and nothing but trouble. [:@][:'(]
  6. Oh No !!!!! They can't !!! []
  7. Arhhh I'll start making some visits there then now, oh as long as I get double total points of course !! []
  8. Sorry to be ignorate but which shop do you have Rich ?
  9. I appologise for this post first off, I know it's not about Subaru's. Some of my friends are doing a sponsored motorbike ride from Land's End to John O Groats which starts tomorrow, they hope to complete the distance in three days on the back roads. The fund raising is for Phil Hogg who I think supports most of the rally events around the island so I suppose it is a bit relevant. If you feel you would like to sponsor these guys and give to a good cause you can find out more at: http://www.end2endfund.com Thanks for your help.
  10. Yeah, bloody quick however you look at it. [] Who's the guy in the RS4 ??
  11. Sorry Andrew, silly question. [|-)] How did the RS4 Audi go, I had a run with him over the mountain a few weeks back and bloody hell does that thing go. [] That's not you in the picture with the Scooby jacket on is it Rich ??
  12. What car were you in Andrew ?
  13. Yeah, we got there early but when we were trying to get away it wasa nightmare.
  14. I'm just putting a few shots up from the hill climb if anyone is interested. http://www.subaruisleofman.com
  15. I'm going to go up to the gooseneck tomorrow morning about 10ish if anyone would like to meet and say hello.
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