A7 edinburgh to carlisle is probably one o the best A roads i would say, plenty o twisty's and some nice long straights and most of all no scamera's
I stay in hawick and travelled back a forward to carlisle for work everyday for bout year and a half and saw a grand total of 5 traffic cars
Only thing u have 2 look out for is the bad bends at mosspaul after the hotel about 8 mile south o Hawick been many a car caught out on them
Had the heater matrix go pop on me the other weekend managed to source another but the question is
Has anyone changed one of these ?what are they like to do ?
Or is there a link to a online manual that i can use?
cars a my97 uk turbo 2000
If its a import it needs to be run on the higher octane stuff ,1 o the mates has a supercharged DC5 and it had 2 be run on v power ,as well as the 92 plate civic i had and im pretty sure on my classic it says use super unleaded only and its uk spec
Some of the fast fit tyre places should have a left hand threaded socket with a plastic coating to protect the wheels that they put on using a air gun and it should rattle the nut loose,
well at least they did when i worked for motorway tyre's
had a civic vti on a k plate sold it just before i got the subaru was quick as owts a revved forever(i miss that part [] ) ,but i agree with RS Grant i have a passat tdi which i do 80 mile a day in great on fuel and pulls like a train as well
Am not sure bought it off a guy from gilmerton(spelling?) just outside edinburgh
Turns out wasnt the pipe thats leaking just being dripped on from above [:$] but its going to garage next week for timing belt so will get it sorted then
Thanks for the welcome guys
Gus got the engine washed today and had a look seems to be coming from a oil feed pipe just above the exhaust on the passenger side so my cousin is picking me up another one today
just upgraded from my civic vti to a 97 uk 2000 turbo and how much am i loving it []
couple of small problems to sort out ie oil leak and bumper needs painted