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Everything posted by craigy

  1. rite you are mate cool! well there is some practise flying going on at the moment! looks like the air display will be better than last year!
  2. hello there! im pretty certain they wont notice to be honest as your not going through the pay at gate entrance! but if they do it will nly be 6 squid!!
  3. so if your getting to tesco at the highlighted time! what time you gunna be leaving from mate
  4. Bailey cheers fella but if i do go it will be with the wife and Leo mate nice offer tho! i knew you always wanted to get me on my own! Iain it would be my pleasure mate! everyone has got to be in the gates by 9:45 i think (i will double check) as long as you dont mind convoy to be led by a crappy ol picaso lol cheers craigy
  5. haha i only just see this post! check out your pinned post Iain cheers craigy
  6. Well hello i have not been about for ages cos i hate the fact i have no scooby !! anyhow, Iain i was just wondering if you remebered the way there as if your unsure im more than happy to meet you at tesco then guide you up! let me no pal! and yes folks i shall be attending the show! weather permitting as i want to take the boy! and due to me not being on a stand and parking in the distant carparks im unable to take shelter in a car lol cheers craigy
  7. craigy


    who knows you though? no one?????????????
  8. craigy


    goon squad!!!! explain? i have never felt the need to ask why people write certain things on here until i have to read a reply from "the 1", I'm not out to get anyone at all its just from an outsiders point of view it comes across very pathetic!, what have i got to prove? I'm a viewer willing to learn for Christ sake. i have to stay quiet from now on though as I'm being called a goon, fighting peoples corner and mud throwing, where as in the real world all I'm actually doing is stating the fact that someone is second guessing 1 person constantly, and from my point of view it must be getting annoying, if my points are wrong then i apologize. cheers craigy
  9. my old car!
  10. craigy


    welcome to our world!
  11. craigy


    i do find it interesting though as to why we all have to read your noncence to every topic Iain adds to, dont really give a monkeys if this thread goes off topic!, Ed hasent topped it up with updates, reading back on it you will see no end of you!!(unfortunatly!)
  12. craigy


    Brilliant! this is coming from you?
  13. craigy


    why string it out for so long then? wait to actually see whats wrong with it!! i follow alot of Iain's threads as i have learned a far whack of knowledge from him! i cant remember how many posts of his where you have popped up to challange his replys!, and everytime you have visited his profile so your looking for his posts!, its not rocket science to see that? plus iains words not mine "i love being second guesed all the time!" it clear to all that see's it! also getting very boring!
  14. craigy


    says it al really with a reply like that, what diffrence does it make what type scoob they have, i sold my scoob and now drive a mondeo(lining the next pathetic insult up) pettyness, people being judgmental, and people questioning others posts constantly is frowned apon and quite frankly cant see why its done anyway???
  15. craigy


    Iain in all my time on forums (and there has been many) i have never seen someone get thread stalked! (new phrase) i have noticed you cant really seem to do much on here without someone hunting your posts down and trying to make your suggestions & facts seem wrong! im sure most people on the forum here no otherwises so keep it up mate craigy
  16. cheers craigy
  17. got to put a few thank yous up , i have been without ownership of a scoob for a while now but must say that i felt just as welcome be be amoungst you guys today, so many thanks, was nice to meet a few of you new faces too, well new to me! IM BURNT TO A CRISP LOL One final thanks is to the £110 you raised for the Air Ambulance they must have been so made up to get that handed to them, and as soon as i get feedback i will let you no! once again thanks to all and heres my pics, first time i have used it as a camera put the iphone is not to great at it i do apoligize!
  18. craigy


    wetness inside could be heater matrix, or sp being clumbsy with the bottled water hope all is well buddy
  19. looking forward to catching up with you lot, dont forget your payments guys will need it at tescos cheers booooyyyyyyss
  20. well done on the cleaning folks, and just to clear things up! detailer is aloud looking forward to seeing/meeting you guys here the reminder 9 am at tesco abingdon, as early as you like tho bt we shall be leaving at 9:15 so you there you lovely bunch you!!
  21. top man! just a reminder to all, there is no cleaning of cars at the show as chemicals are not allowed, however alot of us turned up at the tescos early to give the cars a once over, thanks for obidong by the rules, i dont set them but this is a show early in your show season and its a bit different to your silverstones/castle combes and what not, dogs are definatly allowed although must be kept on there leads, dont want them being ran over as there is alot of activitys throughout the day. your arena slot is half ten i will get my mate to pop over to you to let you no whats going on. cheers all craigy
  22. Gc8-r you reg is noted and pass is with me so get yourself organised with the bunch to meet at tesco. i will need the payment at tesco so i can guide you lot in and be on my merry way.... .....i have plenty to do on the day and at some point i will have to leave to pick the wife and nippa up so they can enjoy the show too. any more questions?? cheers craigy
  23. hello folks how bleddy quick has this come round!! ok this is how it will pan out i will meet everyone in the car park of tescos Abingdon (just off the A34) at 9AM leaving there at 9:15am please please make sure you are punctual as the gates will be closed after half 9, and if you could all gather at the bottle recyclers to be in a bunch that will be grand! please feel free to arrange your own covoys to tescos from wherever you are in this thread! i need one more thing from you guys ASAP, please pm me your reg numbers(needed for your passes) cheers craigy
  24. ok guys sorry to hear that your not coming stiwalding james has a pm im pretty sure its too late to post me the payments now but all the remaining cars I have put the £5 in for so i will need the money back on sunday morn, im going to sort the times out today and post up tommorrow with meeting points many thanks craigy
  25. nothing huge really just get the chance to get some or all of the cars into the center arena to show them off do a couple of slow laps for people to drool and get jealous. cheers my old fruit, i dont seem to have the time to get stuff like this done what with the nippa running me raggid lol all recieved and updated up top cheers
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