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uncle buck

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Everything posted by uncle buck

  1. All the best Bob[<)]
  2. Hi all I have arranged an evening of go karting for a family get together, but some people have had to drop out. I know this is short notice but if anyone is interested in racing and can get to Speed karting in Warrington at 7.45pm Saturday 9/7/07. The price will be £30 and the event will finish around 10.30pm, I could do with another two or three people so please get in touch if you would like to attend. This is also a good chance to gauge interest for a more club orientated race meet at the same venue. If there is enough people wishing to have a go at this I can arrange another evening in a month or two. All opinions and feeback appreciated on this matter. Cheers Steve.
  3. You won't be popin many wheelies on that mate.[] Noony
  4. Scoobies are Great!! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/4f98fe5...4608e3838ae.htm Noony
  5. Yeah guys I think I have them. Long black holdall? Will check in the morning. If I remember I have three bags, Bursting blue one with marquee in big black one with the frame in it and a long one with buntting and stakes. The only thing I don't have at the mo is a scooby to put them in but we live in hope!? The noon
  6. Reply Quote Favorites Contact uncle buck: All the reds come out of the woodwork when they win the premiership Obviously too embarrassed to have your club under your name Steve On tour with Motley Crue and Diablo 2007 I used to work at the Theater of Dreams, if you don't mind. ( I was hoping they would get mine and beckhams wages mixed up, It never happened.) PS there's only One United. CHAMPIONS The Noon
  7. All the reds come out of the woodwork when they win the premiership[][6]
  8. Hi Dave, I live two minutes from where you work(most places are two minutes for a scooby owner). Will send you my mobile number, give us a bell one evening and call in for a brew. Welcome, Steve
  9. Congratulations[<)] You will soon be trading in the scooby for a 4x4 for the school run.......LOL Really, all the best guys, hope to see you soon at a meet. Love, Steve & Emma P.S All The Noon is back!!!
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