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About petermorling

  1. Hey duncan, i have a set of coil packs here to try if ya want, if it's the single ones with the 1 bolt fixing, hey you could use this chance to paint your car PINK !!!! the old bird could contribute to it pmsl... [] Peter
  2. [A][A] dude your car looks like the inside of a hookers hand bag! [] only joking lol, actually looks prettty nice, ian is fast becomming the man to see for results [H] That is a good one, and not one ive heard before...pmsl. Bang on cue with comments eh Duncan...pmsl. nah seriously he did a brill job, i'm well happy
  3. Nice to see the camera survived..lol
  4. A quick rinse at the jet wash and it was good as new again. Did ya manage to get the skoda out with the scooby ???
  5. Well thats me just back from a visit to scoobyiain, i must say i'm gobsmacked and embarrassed by the amount of dirt and grime he removed from it [] . The car is looking absoulutly beautiful, (no comments AC!D..lol) He gave so much detail i didn't know you could do that much to clean the body [:S] But 11/10 to the man brill job and hardly cost anything at all. I would totally recommend him to ANYONE! Cheers Again, see ya next time. [Y] Peter
  6. the last owner put a new pulley on to it but never replaced the woodruff, and when i striped it down the woodruff was very very chewed up and the timing was 3 teeth out, im suprized i made it to foveran with it. nevermind the big mystery has been solved!! thanks anyway russell, i will be knockin on your door to get it moddified. cheers peter
  7. You will be pleased to know duncan i am considering a respray back to yellow, but i want to find a colour that really catches me eye, the problem was ongoing since i bought it, damn woodruff key... im gonna run a little while to make sure everything is ok then Knockhill here i come [] then Andy Forrest woo hoo!!!
  8. its a piece of metal about half the size of a 5 pence piece, i locks the timing on the crank, well something like that. and it only cost £1.24 [:'(] all that for a couple o quid
  9. Well i just have too tell everyone i finally got my scoob fixed today, 10 months of grief for a woodruff key, but oh my god i love my car even more now. even gave myself a couple o scares...lol ok rant over. Peter
  10. Hey craigy i got a psp sitting here if ya miss it.... lol []
  11. i like those wheels craigy, where did ya get them ? [H]
  12. well that says it all lol i have dark rims on a silver scoob and negative comments go rite over my head it dont bother me , cos its my flippin car lol i have pink stickers aswell , looks the nuts mate i like it alot, welcome abord the sidc comunity bud craigy Hey the rims are nice, it's good to be different. my car is pink and it don't bother me some people love some hate it , Nice car, you will love it. welcome to scottish scoobies [Y]
  13. [] im surprised at that i thought you would get the most waves with everybody thinking yer a bird [] Thats why i've got tinted windows...lol
  14. I too, wave to all scooby's but i don't ever get anything back [:'(] [:'(] , it's maybe cause i drive a pink car, but hey it's still a scooby Peter
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