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About alanpirie

  1. They were doing the Ferrari experience when I was there and I guess they don't let you give it some as I got stuck behing it on numerous occasions!
  2. True, they are not that fast. The point of these sessions is to teach lines and technique. You get four laps in a Seat Cupra with an instructer as passenger, then they show you how to do it properly for another four. Two further sessions of seven laps in the sinlge seater after that. If you get the chance then have a go, I recommend it. My morning was with Joe Tanner, a previous Formula Ford champion. His advice on Knockhill lines was worth the money alone. In essence, and for those who are new to the game and are planning a track day, the advice on Knockhill is this, The circuit is the wrong way around! Originally the circuit ran counter clockwise and the kerbs remain as they were originally designed. For that reason, the entry and apex kerbs are to be avoided. Use ALL of the exit kerbs though, but not the grass (obviously). For the apex kerbs, use the white lines as your aiming point. The first corner is the fastest in Scotland (for a circuit) and, like all but the hairpin, are blind. You can go much faster than you think it is possible through there but bear in mind you need to stay in the middle of the downhill section to give yourself a chance to stay left for the sharp right hander that follows. Neat and tidy through the following right then stay LEFT before the chicane. Again this is blind but straightline it, aiming for the green matting to the left of the kerb on entry then hold on! For the right hander next, the usual rules apply; avoid the kerb, late as you like before turn in and aim to use all the kerb on exit. The hairpin is my favourite. Keep left all the way down the back straight and aim to start braking at the dip prior to the hairpin itself. All the kerb please on the exit and then start to aim for the traffic lights on the overhead gantry on the start/finish straight and when just past the those lights, BRAKE! This advice on and description of the circuit is not intended to be definitive or for those experienced track goers. Just thought it is worth giving you the benefit of the some (but not all) of the excellent instruction I was given on Saturday. In summary, take it easy to start with (your last lap should be you fastest). Be corteous to the other drivers; stay behind slower drivers until they move RIGHT to let you past, they will most probably appreciate following you, if they can, to see why you are faster. Oh, and keep all the wheels pointing downwards! My neck and arms still ache now. Cheers.
  3. Hi, Anybody done one recently? I am interested to hear from anyone who has done the Single Seater Super Trail. I will be splashing round Knockhill (most probably given the weather) for the second time this year on Saturday. Cheers.
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