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About scoobydoobydean

  1. im sposed to be fishing next week at linear so dont think ill be able to make it .i said i wasleaving mine standard to but ive got the 300bhp bug fingers crossed it will stop there
  2. good curbed a wheel yesterday so another thing to add to the list of things to tidy
  3. his names vince dont think hes on any forums used to always park there
  4. jus seen this bit of a set back but now you have a stable engine to upgrade
  5. was that pic taken by the football nr the marina
  6. cheers mate where dya normally hold your meets then?
  7. nice mate wolfrace urbans nearly got these my self got a question where you list your mods to your car whats that called is it tag,bio,or signature?
  8. hello all just thought id say hello usualy go to scoobynet but to be honest its a bit pants over there these days heres some pics of me car http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m38/dea...rd/DSC00100.jpg
  9. was thinking about santa pod you going on the drag strip?
  10. id be up for that im going to buy a body kit soon but want to get all the panels straight as i can first did have a splitter on the front but lost that at oday when i went fishing lol was going to take it off anyway so it was handy and it did it a damn site quicker than unbolting it
  11. i know ho you feel mate ive got a row of door dents on mine exept i no who to blame mrs neigbour maybe we should get dent doctor down the more cars you get in one spot the cheaper it is
  12. may do soon dont get much time usualy being bossed about by the misses
  13. yeah ive got a green wagon with 18s on it with crome lip (kei rss's)
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