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About MattSV

  1. Hi all Need to get my 98 Wagon in for a 90k service - nearest dealer to me has quoted £900. I know that it is all fluids/belts, however I cannot justfiy £900 as I might have to sell it anyway later this year due to getting a company car :-( Any suggestions for any independant garages who could do a good job much cheaper? Many thanks Matt
  2. Thanks Craigy I don't know a great deal about cameras or photography, I just like taking pictures and usually manage to get a few good ones. Believe it or not, these were all taken with a Canon Ixus 3 megapixel point and shoot, with a bit of cropping afterwards - nothing fancy at all - I think I paid about £250 for it 5 years ago, I think for £150 you would get something at least as good, if not better I would love to get a digital SLR at some stage, however I cannot really afford the £400 upwards they cost at the moment. Not sure if there is a Jessops near you, however I would recommend going to them for advice - ideally I think you would want a good optical zoom (these pics were taken with a 3* optical zoom - the maximum my camera will go to) and probably about 5 mega pixels. HTH Matt
  3. See here for photos http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/938031.aspx
  4. Top day - cheers everyone. Photos here:- http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/938031.aspx
  5. A few snaps from our first SIDC meet - if anyone would like me to e-mail the originals, please PM me. Also got some video I will try and upload soon - not sure how good it will be though! What a great day - thanks to Jacqui for organising. Matt & Anita (white UK wagon) Where the hell are we going to put everyone???!!!! http://farm1.static.flickr.com/191/467432562_6805474927.jpg'>
  6. Pass received - thanks Jacqui [Y]
  7. Got my entrance tickets - just waiting for the stand pass to arrive then we are ready to go [Y] A couple of numpty questions:- What time is everyone arriving - I guess it will be an early start! Where do we go once we get to the circuit - will the stand be easy to find, or is there a map with the stand pass? Thanks Matt
  8. A few of mine taken last weekend:-
  9. Thanks for the welcome - I have already booked for the Prodrive open day, so I might see some of you up there. I am usually pretty busy at weekends with family and bike commitments however I hope to be able to make a few events this year. Planning to take the wagon down to the South of France for two weeks in August, however will have two teenagers in the back so I won't be able to play too much - bit of a shame seeing as we will be close to the Pyranees. It will be interesting to see how it copes with being fully loaded up, including 4 bikes on the back.
  10. Not sure where to introduce myself so I thought I would do it here [] I have just got my first scooby - a UK spec 98 wagon, mint with full SSH, unmolested, with the pro-drive short shift option - 84000 miles in white - I only paid £2800 so the miles/clour don't bother me. I don't know a great deal about them, so I might be posting a few numpty questions in the tech section I promise to try and use the search option first though. Picked it up yesterday, and managed to have a bit of a play in it last night - very impressed, especially with the acceleration and handling/grip. I also have a 1000cc suzuki bike - bit of a dilemma now which one I use most, as they both give me a big smile. All advice welcome! Matt
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