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gav's just got his first scoob

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About gav's just got his first scoob

  1. hi mate its a 99 uk specall its got is a baileys dump valve, centre decat and custom made 5" back box. thanks
  2. hi folks, is a bleed valve a good idea or not? are they safe? what is the best way to get more boost and what is a safe pressure to run at so my engine wont explode due to over boosting? any and all help is appreciated.
  3. hi mate where in lincs are you. courten miller is just the other side of boston and harvey gibbs is in peterborough but i aint sure what he does. i know he is shit hot on RS's and cosworths
  4. hi mate can you send some pics please.... Heidibooxxx@aol.com... cheers matey
  5. hi is anybody going to the drift event at norfolk arena?
  6. has anybody got any 18 inch wheels they want to swap for a set of 7 spoke 17 inch prodrive wheels?
  7. Has anybody got any bits for a uk scooby? i want a load back box dump valve and that sort of thing. cheers
  8. hi i finally bought an impreza after years of owning various RS fords. all i need now is for some cheap bits and bobs to make it go better. it is a 99 uk turbo so if you have anything give us a shout.thanks
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