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About scoobzie

  1. congratulations Inspector Clueso exactly what i,am on about this site is a load of toss and i,am not the only one who thinks so when you have **** like this on it point proven
  2. walbro already in the tank so i now have one forsale lol anyway if anyone can offer any assistance on the fuel pressure regulator then i would be greatful.
  3. its cool dunk i got the fuel pump out without taking them apart just need some info on the fpr now
  4. cheers dunk lol how do you remove the back seat i no on the classic it just folds down i am installing a walbro fuel pump aswell
  5. i am going to install my fuel lab pressure regulator can anyone help me out with some technical advice on this as i have never installed one before it,s to go on my v7 sti it would be much appreciated
  6. hi m8 am looking at aroung 380 with the same torque but who knows aslong as it pulls well then i will be happy with that in a classic it would be even better but each to their own.
  7. scoobyclinic still sell the 18g but i will stick with the 20g until the summer and maybe go further ie. md321t or if someone bought my 20g i could buy a md
  8. charlie i have changed my phone m8 due to contract i,ve sent you my number
  9. charlie give dunc a call at hypertech just along the road from me he will sort you out
  10. just a wee update on were i am from getting the 20g 1. turbo pipework ordered 2. fuellab pressure regulator 3. walbro fuel pump parts sourced through mark at lateralperformance i can,t thank him enough for all the advice and also steve whitson for who has answered my many a phone calls all thats left to do is wait on the parts and get steve to fit them and then of to the magic forrest for some electronic wisdom.
  11. were are the figures
  12. this is crazy looking
  13. she will race them all day long
  14. that clutch is for a 230mm 5 speed box you need a 240mm 6 speed
  15. exedy organic clutch will suffice rated to 400 bhp
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